Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] [det] way " in BNC.

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1 Braithwaite ( 1979b : 130 ) believes that , ‘ government lawyers , who must in many ways be all-rounders , can not compete with the corporation lawyer who spends his whole life finding out all there is to know about a narrowly delimited area of ‘ legal loop-holes ’ ' .
2 The disturbing thought that motivates both theories is that , if the world is to be intelligible , it must be mind-like , in the sense that generality — the feature of thought , concepts and meanings — must in some way , run through the world itself .
3 With one part of his mind he logged the fact that Mum had understood the worst immediately and must in some way have been expecting it .
4 I can not but feel , though it may be an illusion induced by the delectable drug of understanding , that you must in some way share my eagerness that further conversation could be mutually profitable that we must meet .
5 Women have so often been in situations of powerlessness and dependence that any system of belief or programme of action that could count as ‘ feminist ’ must in some way see this as a central concern .
6 Their feminism must in some way be fitted to the facts of Christianity .
7 They must in some way make these their own — take them into their personal repertoire .
8 The most generally accepted mechanism of evolutionary change is the modern version of Darwinian natural selection , based on the simple propositions that ( a ) like begets like , though with minor , essentially chance , variations ; ( b ) all organisms are capable of producing more offspring than actually can survive to maturity and reproduce in their turn ; ( c ) those offspring that do survive to reproduce must in some way be variants that are better adapted to their environment than those that fail ; and ( d ) those favoured variants are likely to reproduce the favourable variation in their own offspring .
9 In this way , following Marx , they contend that if military expenditure and involvement in society and politics has increased , then it must in some way be functional for the survival of capitalism as an economic system .
10 In Hills v. Ellis , this was interpreted to mean that the act of the defendant must in some way be ‘ aimed at ’ the police , even if there need be no hostility towards them .
11 In fact , a major impetus behind Japanese AIDS research is the attempt to delay the onset of full-blown AIDS in persons infected with HIV — another admission that haemophiliacs must in some way be helped .
12 Two essential freedoms — the right to communicate and the right to reputation — must in some way be reconciled by law .
13 It seems reasonable to suppose that the definition of a language as a subject for learning should in some way be informed by theories about the nature of language in general on the one hand and by descriptions of languages in particular on the other .
14 The point at which the national curriculum begins to matter is the age of 5 : assessment at each successive stage should in some way affect the ambitions and choices at each age .
15 It is not that Lee should in some way be forbidden to talk about white , male canonical authors , but a book such as this ought to suggest a greater awareness of the very issues it is summarising .
16 ‘ But … but I love you ! ’ she cried , suddenly coming out of the trance in which she had been imprisoned , and desperately anxious that she should in some way communicate her feelings for him .
17 Nothing of what I am going to attempt to say should in any way be read as denying the value of psychoanalysis nor as implying that the Church has not been , and continues to be , deeply misogynistic in ways that are damaging both to women and to the Church itself .
18 But several readers had pointed out that if evil could not create , was only good perverted , then presumably the orcs had been by nature good and might in some way be saved ; Tolkien certainly balked at calling them ‘ irredeemable ’ , see Letters , pp. 195 , 355 .
19 Again , people were quick to distinguish between the fact that William Joyce might be a man of unpleasant and hysterical views , the supporter of a tyrannical regime , and the suspicion that the British authorities might in some way have rigged his trial .
20 at Christmas time 193 1 I had a table of gold , hoping that it might in some way draw us all back to the old gold standard again gold lame tablecloth , old white Mennecey china , many yellow roses .
21 Stephanie had hopes that the familial Christmas dinner might in some way restore something of the frail threadwork of decency and courteous behaviour broken by the earlier violence of her father and brother .
22 ‘ All you want to know is what I can not tell you : whether her recent illness might in some way explain her disappearance .
23 The Chief Secretary then sought to imply that the Government might in some way be forced by the EC to extend the coverage of VAT .
24 But you may think me merely biased if I say that my own father could in many ways be considered to rank with such men , and that his career is the one I have always scrutinized for a definition of ‘ dignity ’ .
25 But the idea that all the extraordinary activity in the sky could in any way be on their account was more than Allen could attempt to suppose .
26 Is there anything of significance in your past which could in any way contribute to your present reactions in the face of conflict ?
27 An actual baby had awakened the baby inside herself ; she wanted less to be a mother than to have a baby , so that by feeding him she could in some way nourish herself .
28 ‘ as if I could in some way decide for those leaving us what they will go on to do . ’
29 People said things like for instance well females are n't intelligent enough to make choices and er which is , which is clearly pretty silly , and er there was also I think and the uncomfortable erm prospect that females could in some way or another control the evolution in males which I do n't think it appealed to the Victorians either and in fact many social Darwinists like Edward Westermark for example rejected the whole concept of sexual selection as Darwin called it the female choice , because it did n't promote survival of the fittest .
30 What in their different ways a , a , an Eliot , a Kafka or a Beckett — what they have had to come to terms with his the death of a tenacious pervasive yet curiously imprecise myth that somehow writing was different , that the masters of the past could in some way overcome this limitedness , that writing carried its own justification .
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