Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They may for some reason go to a Mother and Baby Home for a short period before and after they have the baby , or even go to live with foster parents .
2 There may for some reason be a substantial delay between the date of the agreement and the grant of the lease during which time the tenant may wish to assign its interest in it .
3 That let's off more power than one of mine in the lounge .
4 It does not follow that because a police officer reasonably suspects a person of having committed an arrestable offence , that the person should for that reason alone be arrested .
5 The Committee is quoting the Heilbron Report , and appears to be saying that if the public thinks that a particular law covers certain activities and in fact it does cover these activities , then it should for that reason continue to cover only these activities .
6 I determined that it should not happen again and it seemed impossible that it should for this time I should carry with me the foundation of happiness which I had found behind the wire .
7 A thought er went , slipped by me er we must upon this council thank the committee staff that controlled the multitude outside , er they were n't trained for it but can the er thanks of this council for their endeavours in keeping the situation calm be recorded .
8 Each group , then , must sound complete if played without the others , and the part-writing must in each case be smooth and correct .
9 Braithwaite ( 1979b : 130 ) believes that , ‘ government lawyers , who must in many ways be all-rounders , can not compete with the corporation lawyer who spends his whole life finding out all there is to know about a narrowly delimited area of ‘ legal loop-holes ’ ' .
10 The average cost basis means that the cost will approximate to the open market charge ( less any profit element ) and therefore must in all circumstances be substantial .
11 put it , ’ … the more outlandish the clause , the greater the notice which the other party , if he is to be bound , must in all fairness be given . ’
12 The adjudication officer must in all cases prepare a documentary case for submission to the tribunal in advance of the hearing .
13 ‘ But I must in all honesty say says Howard very quickly , jutting his chin out and smilingly blinking his eyes , ‘ that I still think there are a number of things in the universe which really need seriously looking into . ’
14 If we are intended for great ends , we are called to great hazards ; and , whereas we are given absolute certainty in nothing , we must in all things choose between doubt and inactivity , and the conviction that we are under the eye of One who , for whatever reason , exercises us with the less evidence when He might give us the greater .
15 It hath sovereign and uncontrollable authority in making , conforming enlarging , restraining , abrogating , repealing , reviving , and expounding of laws , concerning matters of all possible denominations , ecclesiastical or temporal , civil , military , or criminal : this being the place where that absolute despotic power , which must in all governments reside somewhere , is entrusted by the constitution of these kingdoms .
16 The meaning of a statement seems to be roughly what the speaker should have meant by it and this must in most cases be what the speaker does mean by it .
17 The designer must in this case provide the six displacement and rotation vectors to transform the model from its drawn space , into the reference for the component within the complete machine .
18 The files must in this case be named after the individual piece parts , ie PARTA to PARTE .
19 Why should an applicant , who must in any event be prepared to satisfy the primary purpose test , be worse off because he contemplates the possibility of a relatively short stay in the UK than one who had the fixed intention of permanent UK residence ?
20 The Crown must in any event pay to the defendant his costs of the appeal to the Board .
21 From this meeting they sent back Curzon with a formal resolution , urging Asquith 's immediate resignation , and saying that he must in any event accept and publish theirs .
22 Any quotation must in any case be extensive :
23 More important , he set about gathering the Wordsworths into the Quantock fold , hastening a visit which must in any case have been intended for the near future .
24 The disturbing thought that motivates both theories is that , if the world is to be intelligible , it must be mind-like , in the sense that generality — the feature of thought , concepts and meanings — must in some way , run through the world itself .
25 With one part of his mind he logged the fact that Mum had understood the worst immediately and must in some way have been expecting it .
26 I can not but feel , though it may be an illusion induced by the delectable drug of understanding , that you must in some way share my eagerness that further conversation could be mutually profitable that we must meet .
27 Women have so often been in situations of powerlessness and dependence that any system of belief or programme of action that could count as ‘ feminist ’ must in some way see this as a central concern .
28 Their feminism must in some way be fitted to the facts of Christianity .
29 They must in some way make these their own — take them into their personal repertoire .
30 The most generally accepted mechanism of evolutionary change is the modern version of Darwinian natural selection , based on the simple propositions that ( a ) like begets like , though with minor , essentially chance , variations ; ( b ) all organisms are capable of producing more offspring than actually can survive to maturity and reproduce in their turn ; ( c ) those offspring that do survive to reproduce must in some way be variants that are better adapted to their environment than those that fail ; and ( d ) those favoured variants are likely to reproduce the favourable variation in their own offspring .
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