Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Patricia Knapp , in the United States , once commented that one could get a perfectly good liberal education from a paperback bookshop : the sense in which this is true must not however blind us to the fact that self-learning of this kind has its weaknesses , is unreliable , and depends very much on the way in which the student undertakes his task .
2 We must not simply retain the old-fashioned , traditional ways .
3 In short , local authorities must not simply erect a standard speed-restriction sign , but must in addition equip the road with effective speed-reducing measures without eradicating the distinction between pavement and roadway .
4 To ensure the continuing popularity and growth of the subject at Key Stage 4 and beyond , teachers must not simply teach the programme they must aim to instil an interest in and enjoyment of the subject .
5 We must not simply take the victims role .
6 WHEN a court is determining whether a natural mother is unreasonable in withholding consent to her child 's adoption , for the purposes of section 16 of the Adoption Act 1976 , the court must judge the mother 's reasonableness objectively , but must not simply substitute its own views for that of the mother .
7 He must not simply say that there will be professional advisers .
8 We must not again get into the situation where the working of our Garden Records system was dependent on keeping an obsolete computer going well past its normal expected lifetime .
9 the trust must not normally invest more than 5 per cent of its portfolio in any one company ;
10 For all the days before her visit to the mikva she is nidda , or set apart , and she and her husband must not even touch .
11 To bring our participants ' social world to life in the kind of detail that is likely to carry conviction we must not just plunge into descriptions of the world of school and football ground , since without the concepts to see it no alternative to the official picture is likely to emerge .
12 The containers , palettes or packings must originate , or be , in free circulation within the EC and must not already have benefited from any VAT exemption .
13 The imbalance of supply and demand in popular fields results in Chairs setting guideline conditions to be met — for example , in order to get a favourable decision the student must not merely pass the field 's compulsory modules but should achieve grades of say , B , B , and B+ .
14 This is clearly er erm a situation where erm we must not knowingly take business which we have not enjoyed before at a price below
15 Other examples of rules which may not be congruent with the requirements of fiduciary law are SIB Core Rule 2 , which states that where a firm has a material interest it must not knowingly act for the customer unless it takes steps to ensure his " fair treatment " ( this may not be sufficient under fiduciary law ) , and SIB Core Rule 25 which in conjunction with SFA Conduct of Business Rule 5 — 36(2) permits " front running " .
16 That we can use them , but we must not always assume that everybody understand what they mean .
17 You must not subsequently display or offer it for sale as your own work !
18 Quite apart from statute , as a matter of professional conduct solicitors must not so discriminate in their professional dealings with their clients , fellow solicitors , employees , barristers or others .
19 ‘ We must not now add to the burden facing the medical staff and the Bland family by taking part in emotional or noisy demonstrations ’ .
20 She must not only dress modestly , but behave modestly as well .
21 It must not only drop its concern for style and ethos but also for parish boundaries .
22 The child must not only remedy the situation caused by his or her negligence or transgression but also ‘ overcorrect ’ it to an improved or better-than-usual state .
23 He/she must not only offer an accurate description of the death-like oppressiveness of the capitalist world as it is developing in the first half of the twentieth century , but must also depict accurately and without facile romanticism or glib sentimentality , the angry and determined political struggle of men and women refusing to acquiesce to the oppressive forces of capitalist society .
24 Richard has gained power by the successful interchange of the two resources that Machiavelli ( as so often , drawing on Cicero but ignoring his moral scheme ) singled out as the means by which legitimate rule could be overcome , force and fraud : So he recommended that the Prince who wishes to succeed must not only unite the attributes of the fox and the lion , fraud and force , but in addition
25 He must not only distinguish behaviour from ideology , he must also take careful note of just how they are interrelated .
26 To meet this point I think one must say that Bentham 's view was , in effect , that a right action must not only do more good than harm , but must also be such that neither the particular good it does , nor any other comparable good which might have substituted for it , could have been achieved at less cost in terms of harm done .
27 And I must not only sit here and endure all this I must read her account of it at the end of the day , and think of something polite to say about it before I find ways of rewriting and neutralizing it .
28 In other words , Bukharin completely forgot that the extended reproduction … must not only lead to growth of c and v but also to that of α , i.e. to the growth of the individual consumption of the capitalists .
29 This new capitalism is a cut-throat enterprise : to stay in business you must not only compete with but beat your competitors .
30 People with bright ideas must not only carry their opinions out of politics and into the research institutions , but must regularly move back the opposite way when the call comes .
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