Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 Once it has been killed , the kitten may trigger off a new reaction .
2 A monarch 's speech at a state opening of parliament , though spoken , is far from the reciprocal end of the scale , but a scribbled memo from one teacher to another , though written , may trigger off a series of replies and counter replies , and is thus highly reciprocal .
3 So I said , ‘ Let's knock up a quick vocal and let's knock up Keith 's guitar , ’ and he just banged up a solo very quickly and it was great . ’
4 For people with long-standing difficult social circumstances that may throw up a crisis at any time , intervention might best combine practical help with a scheme to foster the person 's sense of control over his or her life , to reduce their sense of hopelessness .
5 Competitors may throw out a challenge by improving the product and offering a better distribution service , for example .
6 Each student can make up a package of tests to go for ; he may repeat those that he fails , without the social disaster of being kept down a year ; and he may make up a mix of practical and theoretical according to a plan worked out with his class teacher , and bearing in mind what he aims to do next .
7 For example , a designer may build up a sequence of actions which an operator must follow in order to cause his product to function properly — he has synthesised the task from a knowledge of how the machine or other product was designed to function .
8 It is thought that the defence is most relevant in the context of take-overs where a merchant bank may build up a stake in a target company for a prospective bidder .
9 Conversely , if you are building up to a competition and wish to greatly increase your fitness and endurance , the FDR should be very intense and should make up a large part of your training .
10 Using a wedding bouquet as an example , and assuming that you are either attending the function or collecting the bouquet afterwards , you should make up a simple box , such as the one shown in the photograph .
11 You must build up a small library of your own : one or two books will not be enough ; you should , ideally , have at least two on each topic .
12 Their chief executive , Andy Barton , feels , with some reason one would have to say , that it is n't right that the government should bail out a competitor .
13 The relevant statute in those cases had provided simply that jurisdiction should exist over a married woman ‘ carrying on a trade separately from her husband . ’
14 As Millett J. observed in In re Tucker ( A Bankrupt ) [ 1988 ] 1 W.L.R. 497 , 502B , the plaintiff must make out a sufficiently strong case to justify his being given leave .
15 A health authority should seek out a group of " mature " female nurses and a group of male nurses who are in training and prepare them for the purpose of dispelling those commonly held misconceptions .
16 But investors who have clung on grimly for the past five years should hang on a while longer .
17 The centre of the string should hang over a clean saucer .
18 ‘ It 's just you should speak up a bit more . ’
19 He suggested that the jury should bring in a decision that would mean that ‘ in future , parents and doctors could make decisions on this awful problem without unidentified informers rushing off to the police . ’
20 To be fair there was a week when Mr Barnes spotted this inconsistency too and suggested that seeing as how we all wasted our tutor time ( WE wasted it — I like that ! ) we should bring in a board game next week and he 'd organise a sort of tournament .
21 I 'm going to wait to see how some other injuries settle down before I decide whether I should bring in a replacement . ’
22 It should bring in a great deal of money . ’
23 They should bring along a crane and pick the whole thing up with me in it and call it Frozen Communications and put it in some art gallery .
24 But I 'm told on this day , May thirteenth , thirty seven years ago , and that should bring back a lot of memories for many of you , the Three-Ninetieth flew its hundred and fifth combat mission from this station and many of you remember that day .
25 In previous years the selection of the carnival queen had been organised by elimination contests in the town and surrounding villages , but 30 years ago the committee asked that young ladies should send in a copy of a recent photograph .
26 He and Flora had arrived three hours after we did , just as the hotel manager was suggesting we should send out a truck to meet them .
27 ‘ We were just wondering whether we should send out a search party , ’ they told her .
28 Said a Drug Squad source : ‘ We are extremely pleased with these stiff sentences and it should send out a warning to those involved in the drugs scene that the courts are coming down hard on them . ’
29 Three conditions must be satisfied before a charge to tax can arise under section 14 : ( 1 ) the taxpayer must carry on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) the profits to be charged must be ‘ from such trade , profession or business , ’ which their Lordships construe to mean from the trade , profession or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the profits must be ‘ profits arising in or derived from ’ Hong Kong .
30 It comes in response to comments made recently by the chairman of the SIB , Andrew Large , that the PIA , if set up , must bring about a ‘ step change ’ in regulatory standards .
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