Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] in a " in BNC.

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1 He suggested that the jury should bring in a decision that would mean that ‘ in future , parents and doctors could make decisions on this awful problem without unidentified informers rushing off to the police . ’
2 To be fair there was a week when Mr Barnes spotted this inconsistency too and suggested that seeing as how we all wasted our tutor time ( WE wasted it — I like that ! ) we should bring in a board game next week and he 'd organise a sort of tournament .
3 I 'm going to wait to see how some other injuries settle down before I decide whether I should bring in a replacement . ’
4 It should bring in a great deal of money . ’
5 In previous years the selection of the carnival queen had been organised by elimination contests in the town and surrounding villages , but 30 years ago the committee asked that young ladies should send in a copy of a recent photograph .
6 ‘ You should live in a little more comfort .
7 The French police may bring in a suspect for interrogation under the process of garde à vue .
8 Greg forbore to ask how someone with an accent like that would know , and said instead : ‘ It 'll bring in a tidy sum if it 's a best-seller , I suppose . ’
9 Tomorrow I 'll bring in a blank tape if you want to but I ca n't take them that one .
10 All right I 'll bring in a sixty minute tape ask him tonight , okay and I 'll bring in a sixty and a ninety minute , okay .
11 All right I 'll bring in a sixty minute tape ask him tonight , okay and I 'll bring in a sixty and a ninety minute , okay .
12 Well I 'll chuck in a bit more , I 'll chuck in a little bit more pepper .
13 I might bring in a note tomorrow saying I 've got make an appointment
14 As soon as one of the adults goes for the paper , we 'll send in a Trojan Horse .
15 ‘ But I might look in a bit later .
16 ‘ I 'm not God , but I 'll put in a word for you , ’ Mr Lambert said quietly , pushing her behind him .
17 Perhaps I 'll put in a word for you sometime . ’
18 So in other words it 's about an introduction an expansion and an end Now as I 've said tomorrow I 'll fill in a bit more detail on those so if you leave some some gaps there between those three sections .
19 I knew there would be some details that might fill in a few gaps and , indeed , I had not known that Mme G had kept in touch with Otto and that , prior to my arrival on the scene , he frequently drove over to Reine with tempting delicacies that Jean-Claude invariably refused to eat .
20 You might fill in a creation or save date , to pick out files either before or after that date .
21 And then we er we 'll talk in a bit more detail depending on which company you and I decide that er you know once we decide in fact that is for you .
22 ‘ It was like a collective , you could either buy the porn through the mail , or you could send in a tape of yourself and get plugged into the apparatus that way , ’ explains David James , a film professor at the University of Southern California , who has researched the phenomenon .
23 ‘ I could send in a fake mailing shot .
24 That could bring in a few more .
25 The assumption was that she would bring in a number of new people whose loyalty she could count on .
26 Any one of them would bring in a good profit .
27 Between Alice and Mary and Reggie took place the accounting session which would bring in a regular contribution to the household .
28 He said that the woman in the house had only a table and television , and had spent the night before polishing the table so that it would bring in a wee bit extra to clear her debt .
29 Liberal Democrat candidate Suzanne Fletcher said if her party were in power they would bring in a new type of rented housing , called partnership housing , which would cater for middle income groups wanting to rent rather than buy , built through public and private money .
30 Liberal Democrat candidate Suzanne Fletcher said if her party were in power they would bring in a new type of rented housing , called partnership housing , which would cater for middle income groups wanting to rent rather than buy , built through public and private money .
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