Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] them as " in BNC.

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1 You may treat them as your children since they were two years old but if they 're not a blood relative of yours they wo n't be inheriting anything anyway however close they may be .
2 The implication in all the sexually discriminatory immigration laws ( continued long after the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975 ) is that women are slaves and chattels in their communities , and the government sees no reason why it should treat them as anything else .
3 Not all small creatures are pests , some are predatory on the pests themselves , and we should regard them as friends .
4 These will get better and better and we should consider them as part of our thinking .
5 In order to create an individual life in the world , we should use them as colours on an artist 's palette , to paint our own picture .
6 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
7 ‘ If you ask the players to perform to the extent that they are expected to entertain the public , they you must pay them as entertainers ’ , was the way former Ireland coach Jimmy Davidson summed up the situation .
8 We must write them as if we were playing , grouping certain notes in slurs , with staccato , legato , and sforzando , the rise and fall of each phrase marked with crescendo and diminuendo , etc .
9 We should replace them as the Labour Party 's main op opponents .
10 They might describe them as the unsettled ‘ shells ’ of the dead .
11 Ranald , do you find a rock the size of these two , and we 'll use them as a base for the first skep .
12 It 's supported by our local M P , so I believe , well it 's okay , minutes of the previous meeting which was held on the twelfth of October , and I 'll sign them as a true and accurate version .
13 These arose out of the feeling that trade unions had to become involved in other spheres of influence if they were to offset any serious injury which might befall them as a result of the General Strike .
14 While special programmes for older viewers undoubtedly offer information and support , television companies may use them as an excuse for not including realistic portrayals of older people in their mainstream peak-time programmes .
15 Home Office officials are keen to watch the progress of these schemes and in future could include them as a qualification for senior police posts .
16 We could venerate them as ancestors .
17 Those who were safely beached on the shore of prosperity had the option of giving the credit to Providence , or arrogating it to themselves ; as they regarded those less fortunate ones who were struggling in the water , they could see them as victims of their own improvidence or of God 's ineluctable decree .
18 You could use them as a decorative device on invitations , or as part of the design on your personal writing paper .
19 Groups of teachers could use them as the basis of informal discussion groups .
20 As in war , you could use them as a screen behind which your knights could withdraw and wait until they were ready to charge .
21 ‘ Instead of selling the offices which we 've taken over in the village , you could use them as a workshop and studio , ’ he suggested .
22 They have subsequently been developed by other thinkers , but for clarity 's sake we shall treat them as a single body of thought .
23 We shall treat them as a special type of word and give them the following rule : when a pair of prefix-plus-stem words exists , both members of which are spelt identically , one of which is a verb and the other is either a noun or an adjective , the stress will be placed on the second syllable of the verb but on the first syllable of the noun or adjective .
24 Well you would treat them as a separate entity .
25 Refusing even to denounce the building of West Bank settlements , though a good half of Jews in America and Israel would freeze them as part of the price for peace , Clinton easily outbid Brown .
26 In another language where mother 's brothers and father 's brothers are referred to by different words we would see them as different kinds of relatives .
27 Another interpretation of the changes would see them as part of a longer-term shift towards new relationships between government and the wider political economy .
28 The radical feminist analysis described at the beginning of this chapter would see these as aspects of men 's patriarchal control over women ; the Marxist feminists would see them as a result of capitalism ; others would see them as the outcome of both systems , and indeed of racist systems too .
29 The radical feminist analysis described at the beginning of this chapter would see these as aspects of men 's patriarchal control over women ; the Marxist feminists would see them as a result of capitalism ; others would see them as the outcome of both systems , and indeed of racist systems too .
30 He would put them forward in a specially written book , bound in the finest calf , to some powerful patron who , in Cranston 's dreams , would see them as the solution to all of London 's problems .
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