Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] enabling " in BNC.

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1 Planning powers go considerably further than simply enabling local authorities to preserve trees .
2 By lowering the height of the wall , and thereby enabling it to be built more thickly , it could be made more effective in both defence and counter-attack .
3 I think we all feel we would like more central capital funding , but without it , it 's quite proper that we make er the best of use of the , of the assets we 've got , and we were n't using all our estate as effectively as we might , so for the last few years , we 've had a very vigorous programme of identifying land and buildings that are no longer required , and putting them on the market and thereby enabling us to build new facilities .
4 But it is vital that supporting such ventures does not mean playing into the hands of the wrong people and so enabling exploitative interests to pluck the fruit of poor people 's toil and initiative .
5 We can work with the class to create a story in which they all have a stake , slowing it down at particular moments , thereby creating strong dramatic tension , deepening understanding and also enabling us to value publicly the contribution of particular children .
6 So theory is extremely useful in summarizing findings , linking them together , putting forward uniformities of social behaviour and then enabling the research worker to move a step further forward with new , relevant studies which will themselves contribute directly to the furtherance of theory .
7 … it seems that to pick £600 as a threshold for life governors because of the provisions of Gift Aid is to ignore a less brutal and therefore more acceptable way of achieving Life Governor status while still enabling the Institution to recover income tax .
8 This allows for special needs children to continue to receive specialist medical and/or educational help while also enabling them to integrate with mainstream children at an appropriate level .
9 Thus , this lens allows the patient to view a stimulus for as long as s/he desires while also enabling the investigator to present the stimulus to one hemisphere alone .
10 Thus , this lens allows the patient to view a stimulus for as long as s/he desires while also enabling the investigator to present the stimulus to one hemisphere alone .
11 It is clear that practitioners need a framework to help them manage this process , to produce a degree of consistency of purpose , scope , and content of assessment across different practitioners , whilst also enabling the assessment process to be adapted flexibly to individual people and their circumstances .
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