Example sentences of "[adv] conclude [that] " in BNC.

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1 From the only letter which survives written by William Springett , one can only conclude that he was a rather unpleasant man .
2 As she seems to have stayed on the island for only three weeks , however , being moved back to Stirling when the English army left Scotland at the end of September , we can only conclude that these are testimony not to Mary as an infant prodigy , but to her fascination as a source of romance and legend .
3 One can only conclude that the story about the two-way radios is entirely false .
4 We can only conclude that it was chiefly in the enthusiasm with which the British talked about it all .
5 One can only conclude that we are presented here with a deliberately unpoetical poem , an assault upon the cultivated reader 's exquisite sensibility .
6 If this view is correct , I can only conclude that I was saddled with both sets of anxieties and , in addition , that there are more and more adolescent girls today who are finding themselves in the same position .
7 From this whole picture of ignorance and inactivity , and of continuing dissent even where there was knowledge , we can only conclude that legislative acts were commonly accepted , even by those responsible for them , as expressions of hope or at best long-term intention , rather than as strictly enforceable legislative acts .
8 After these two letters , we hear no more of Osbern , and we can only conclude that he died soon after Anselm 's consecration .
9 Well , we have our own gifts , but the presentation of food is not one of them , and since French cooks and food purveyors so often appear to lose the lightness of their touch in this respect when they leave their native land and settle abroad , one can only conclude that the special stimulant which brings these gifts into flower is in the air of France itself .
10 At type II promoters we can only conclude that the precise nature of the interactions between CRP and the truncated and wild-type polymerases , and their role in the activation mechanism , remain to be determined but that the C-terminal part of the α-subunit of RNA polymerase is not involved in this process .
11 Cadfael had already been considering the same question , and could only conclude that the abbot had indeed total faith that the Gospels would justify Shrewsbury in possession of its saint .
12 They can only conclude that ‘ Either badgers waste energy with the continued digging or very large burrows confer an advantage that has so far eluded us . ’
13 Lucy could only conclude that , whatever Charlie had been saying , it had n't included specific mention of her name .
14 Puzzled as to why the DEA and CIA would choose to do this through a front operation in Nicosia rather than through official channels , Coleman duly reported all this activity to Control , but the response was so muted he could only conclude that the DIA knew about it already .
15 I make the observation that given the Opposition 's effort to determine the Government 's view two or three years from now , I can only conclude that Opposition Members expect us to be in government after the next general election .
16 One can only conclude that the bare and to infinitives are anything but meaningless contextual variants .
17 But they do not necessarily conclude that a thing is no more than the sum of its attributes .
18 People would obviously conclude that I had died a coward .
19 However , one can not conclude that the committees have a sufficiently important role either :
20 Although viruses have such a simple structure , biologists do not conclude that they are necessarily ‘ primitive ’ ; that is , that they evolved a very long time ago as precursors of more complex organisms .
21 Guy ( 1980 ) has concluded from his study of final stop deletion that the individual follows the group norm very closely ; but since we know that scores for different linguistic variables are not distributed within or between groups in a comparable way , we can not conclude that all variables will behave in the same way as the syllable-final alveolar stop .
22 From which you should not conclude that he favoured tyranny , or absolute monarchy , or bourgeois monarchy , or bureaucratised totalitarianism , or anarchy , or whatever .
23 He compiled the first useful tables of travel times of seismic phases and used them to show that wave speeds increase smoothly with depth , up to a point where they suffer a sharp decrease , which he identified with the boundary of a central core ‘ possessing radically different physical properties ’ , though he did not conclude that the core was liquid .
24 Given the diversity of tribunals , commissions , authorities , ministers and inquiries which constitute our administrative system , it would be surprising if we did not conclude that in some instances the rational basis test was the correct stance and in others a test of substitution of judgment .
25 The reader should not conclude that experimental fluid mechanics is primarily a matter of ‘ look and see ’ ; one always aims to express results as quantitatively as possible .
26 Could this be because the EPA , like the UK Independent Scientific Committee on Smoking and Health , did not conclude that an effect of ‘ passive smoking ’ was demonstrated ? ’
27 We can thus conclude that the ε-ζ values of roughly -30° observed for these steps in the dodecamer conformation clearly belong to the B I family .
28 With Pearl in mind , one might easily conclude that the stretch between the two rivers is a sort of ‘ earthly paradise ’ for Frodo and the others , though one still capable of violation and invasion from the outside world .
29 The grounds on which the father relied were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices heard evidence from which they could properly conclude that his costs had been incurred as a result of the actions and omissions of the local authority ; ( 2 ) as there was no machinery for taxation of costs the justices were correct to assess the amount of the costs ; ( 3 ) the father was entitled to his costs incurred in the Family Proceedings court to the extent allowable under the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 and the justices were correct to hold that the actions of the local authority justified making the costs order which included the costs of the hearing on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
30 They begin to assume that their ageing parents are never satisfied , and may eventually conclude that it might be better to do nothing at all for them .
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