Example sentences of "[adv] claim that " in BNC.

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1 The Karma of the Eastern mind is so similar to the interdependent forces that scientists such as Schrodinger claim are both the stuff of matter and the stuff of thought , that Yogis might rightfully claim that karma does exist because Western science has proved it .
2 Certainly from the rapturous reception when he walked on court and the sympathetic response after a performance containing too many embarrassingly bad moments , Borg can rightly claim that people still want to see him play .
3 We may defensively claim that it was the right thing to do at the time .
4 We know that with major sculptures such as The Burghers of Calais and the Balzac , Rodin did not claim that they were equally successful from all points of view .
5 EVEN Arsenal , who carried the distinction back to London , would not claim that they played well enough in Glasgow last night to be the undisputed champions of anywhere , no matter the vainglorious subtitle given to this friendly .
6 EVEN Arsenal , who carried the distinction back to London , would not claim that they played well enough in Glasgow last night to be the undisputed champions of anywhere , no matter the vainglorious subtitle given to this friendly .
7 ‘ Meaning ’ theists do not claim that on the basis of some special gift from God , ‘ faith ’ or ‘ grace ’ or ‘ revelation ’ , they are able to be assured that God exists whilst being quite unable to communicate the grounds of their assurance to others who lack this divine gift .
8 Therefore , one can not claim that there was any potential for real dependence , although Leapor might easily have exchanged flattery for profit in the circumstances .
9 The CEGB did not claim that all these various accidents were totally impossible .
10 The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons , but merely that they should do so .
11 It does not claim that the reasons which are supposed to be displaced by authoritative instructions are not replaced by them but should count as additional independent reasons alongside the instructions .
12 Much as I regard them as a social nuisance on a par with the Orange Walk and invented by the devil to prevent churchgoers getting to church on time , I can not claim that marathons have ( yet ) been proved to kill enough people to justify banning them .
13 Actually , it is not President McKinley performing , but the catalogue does not claim that it is .
14 We did not claim that there had been any cases of poisoning in Britain , but referred to the numerous American cases ( FDA Drug Bulletin 1977 , vol 7 , p 26 ; New England Journal of Medicine 1979 , vol 300 , p 238 ) .
15 Yet we can not claim that our sensory reality is more real than theirs : that we see it the ‘ right ’ way and that they see it in some less than real manner .
16 In this book , I describe and explain these activities and although I can not claim that this is a comprehensive guide to parties — such a task would be virtually impossible ! — I do know that , if you follow my advice , your children and their friends will have a really enjoyable time !
17 However , I would not claim that these displays have any culturally mediated symbolic meaning , as do the myths and rituals which bind human groups .
18 Thus we could not claim that an adult must have seen a speck of dust at a range of more than a foot or so , whereas birds could be said to see a small insect at 400 metres .
19 If we do not know whether they are representative , then we can not claim that our conclusions have any relevance to anybody else at all .
20 They do not claim that occupation is the same thing as social class , but rather that it is the best single indicator of all those aspects of a person that make up their social class position .
21 Lane and Roberts do not claim that the strike was typical of other strikes .
22 An ideal utilitarian like Moore may claim to have the moral insight that promise keeping is only right or obligatory , where one can not do better or as well by breaking the promise ( taking general account of effects on human trust into account ) but he can not claim that this insight is merely into how words are properly used .
23 I do not claim that this book is in any way a final or even comprehensive analysis of its subject matter .
24 If nevertheless a treaty is concluded , the third party to the earlier treaty can not claim that it was unaware of the restrictions .
25 Australia can not claim that it is unaware of the uncertainty about the legal status of Indonesia 's assertion of jurisdictional authority in East Timor and the off-shore waters , and has relied upon its own determination of legality .
26 But we do not claim that we have reached the ‘ vernacular ’ , or the most casual of possible styles , for any informant ( although some reports on our work have stated that we have ) : we merely claim that our data is rich and variable enough to enable us to classify styles on the stylistic continuum in an extremely well motivated way .
27 On the other hand ( there is always another hand in these matters ) I would not claim that , because I could explicate my own novel line by line , that is all it could mean , and I am well aware of the danger of inhibiting the interpretive freedom of the reader by a premature display of my own , as it were , ‘ authorised ’ interpretation .
28 The Government certainly can not claim that it was a famous victory .
29 It is interesting that the Secretary of State does not claim that he has a majority of public opinion on his side but merely that the very large majority against trust status was ill informed and listened to Labour propaganda .
30 I do not claim that the outcome will be perfect .
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