Example sentences of "[adv] actually see " in BNC.

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1 The woods and walks surrounding the old Sussex manor house are peopled by children who died young ; the visitor , who is the narrator , is aware of them , but can not actually see them ; his hostess , who is vividly aware of the children 's presence , is blind .
2 This is because , although we go through the movements of looking , we do not actually see what is there .
3 Some people see very clearly and are able to describe actual images ; others do not actually see anything at all but know what is going on and are able to relate to it .
4 The commanders can not actually see what Lord Raglan intends to refer to .
5 It is much easier to talk about something or explain if you have it in front of you and even though the listener can not actually see it you will be able to paint a mental picture for him .
6 The opponent may move in and strike with a roundhouse kick to the head and the first-time fighter may not actually see it coming .
7 Because one can not actually see such services they are referred to as ‘ invisible ’ exports or imports .
8 The main problem when using crimps is you ca n't actually see whether any damage has been done to the main line when the pressure is applied to the crimp .
9 Nigel could n't actually see what the doctor was writing on the other side of his desk , but he could guess .
10 A few exceptions are the SGs and Weddingtons ( which we do n't actually see in the UK ) ; these are built in Yamaha 's factory at Kasuga in Japan , while the semi-acoustics ( including the AE , SA and AES ranges ) hail from the Iida facility , also in Japan .
11 ‘ There was someone I did n't actually see .
12 Well , ’ Lucinda shrugged , ‘ they say you 're never alone in the blackout , even though you ca n't actually see anyone . ’
13 But what her eyes do n't actually see she finds it difficult to imagine .
14 because when Marcus and I went we did n't actually see up there , but we could see from down there and
15 So everybody have document and hit shift F ten and they 're on page nine now if we go , hold down the alt key and type B and you 'll just see er a shimmer go down the screen an then you do n't actually see anything , but if you alt U , everything appears underlined alt K converts everything into small capitals alt S , strikes through everything and alt I italicizes all the words .
16 I did n't actually see anyone touch their forelock , but from the moment when Mrs Field accompanied the entry of the turkey with blasts of a hunting horn , to shots of Hannah primly seated , timidly moving one foot to the music , I knew this was a world far removed , not only in distance but in time , from the pace of urban life in which I move . ’
17 ‘ I did n't actually see Newley .
18 And it 's going so quick the fabric comes down there so quickly you ca n't actually see it to examine it , it 's coming down .
19 Ca n't actually see it move but I can see it if I look
20 ‘ But I did n't actually see him myself on that particular evening .
21 You ca n't actually see the house quite .
22 Although I could n't actually see Maté 's sneer , I felt it in the darkness .
23 The text was ‘ illustrated ’ with crude black and white pictures , the parser was very basic , and accepted only one or two word ‘ phrases ’ , and the perspective was from the ‘ first person ’ ie you did n't actually see the character you controlled .
24 ‘ It is an elevated green , so I did n't actually see the ball go down the hole , ’ he told BPXpress .
25 When you come right down to it , I did n't actually see anything unpleasant .
26 Aldrich did n't actually see Stratton — on the train , did he ? ’
27 I look looked through it , could n't actually see anything obviously wrong with it .
28 Well , you ca n't actually see a curve can you , when you look around .
29 ‘ I do n't actually see any , do you ? ’
30 So you have the downstairs back and the the front stairs go up to the ca n't actually see That 's definitely the back door .
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