Example sentences of "[adv] impossible to say " in BNC.

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1 And that 's precisely what is so impossible to say aloud , for their entire life together ( already over twenty years of life together ) , has been based on the illusion of love , an illusion which both of them have been anxiously guarding and nurturing .
2 Usually when assessing damages in respect of non-pecuniary loss a court will award one lump sum in respect of " pain and suffering and loss of amenities " and in such cases it is generally impossible to say how much relates to " pain and suffering " and how much to " loss of amenities " .
3 Furthermore , it is usually impossible to say whether the effects of a lesion in one hemisphere , in terms of loss or impairment of a particular function , follow from the destruction of the true neural locus of that function , or instead reflect the influence of abnormal tissue on other brain areas that actually subserve the function in question .
4 It 's practically impossible to say no to someone who 's actually loaded their rucksack into your boot and clipped on their seatbelt .
5 It is often impossible to say what moves you in a poem ; somehow in this poem there is something that touches my heart and links me in sympathy to this Bolivian poet whom I shall never meet .
6 It was virtually impossible to say aloud that one welcomed the death of a fellow human being , but she believed that was how Ayling had felt .
7 To adapt Orwell 's last sentence , it is almost impossible to say which was which , so profound and intimate are the links that bind the intellectual socialism of the early twentieth century to the National Socialism that sought confidently in the 1930s to replace it .
8 Similarly , it is almost impossible to say exactly where most Chinese rugs were made .
9 Without a crystal ball , it 's almost impossible to say which it will be , but we can offered some informed opinions .
10 In general , in such languages , it is almost impossible to say anything at all which is not sociolinguistically marked as appropriate for certain kinds of addressees only .
11 Their Lordships find it quite impossible to say that he was in error , and still less in the kind of error which would entitle a reviewing court to intervene , by making the choice which he did .
12 It is quite impossible to say that Woolwich paid to close a transaction since it protested that it was not liable and it immediately sought to establish that the regulations were void .
13 The judge said it was quite impossible to say that any error was shown by these matters on the face of the determination , and that the parties were , on a matter of opinion , bound by the opinion of their chosen expert .
14 The spokeswoman said it was therefore impossible to say if and when it would be broadcast , or how the production team would deal with the use of original footage or the identities of individual families or children , which is prohibited by law .
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