Example sentences of "[adv] throw herself " in BNC.

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1 She 'd rather throw herself to the lions …
2 She had quite literally thrown herself at him , she had bitten him in the neck so hard that he had bled , she had scratched his face and torn his clothes .
3 Dhia , every girl 's fair throwing herself at you from Ardgour to Jura .
4 She did n't exactly throw herself against the door , but she began to beat on it with her fists .
5 ‘ She probably threw herself at him .
6 Butler had also thrown herself into similar work in Liverpool in the 1860s , setting up an industrial home for working-class girls .
7 Yet Gemma had shown no more than a polite interest in Almsmead while Linnet , who was very dear but not Gemma , after all , had positively thrown herself into all the excitements of housebuilding and furnishing , taking to Far Flatley as if she had been born there .
8 By holding back , pretending concern , he 'd made her practically throw herself at him .
9 The new mother will often throw herself into motherhood so fully that she forgets to give time to the marital relationship , which can suffer considerable damage as a result .
10 Any whiff of scandal had evaporated , and she now threw herself into a hectic work schedule .
11 Quite in command of herself , she smiled politely in the direction of the hysterical Kathleen , now throwing herself about alarmingly in her chair , waved to Ray , and took the shaken , but now well-behaved Flossie into the hall .
12 Both of them were wary , but at least Hayley did n't throw herself out of the window .
13 Even now as she looked into those harsh , compelling features , she knew only a terrible longing to simply throw herself into his arms , to find the sanctuary and warmth only he could give her .
14 As the implications of the purposes of this scarecrow figure dawned on her , his sister screamed out that he was crazy , and perhaps even threw herself at him to prevent his plan .
15 Often she had wondered if she would have been quite so successful if she had n't thrown herself so totally into her work in a desperate attempt to mend her broken heart .
16 Because she was only doing it to protect herself , to hide the real truth — which was that she 'd have given anything to simply thrown herself into his arms .
17 This girl was plainly throwing herself at him , and he knew that if he took advantage of something so easy , he would really feel shabby .
18 Bathsheba walked up and down , crying and whispering to herself , then threw herself down by the road , exhausted .
19 She began to yell furiously , then threw herself on the ground , red-faced with rage , stamping her feet and screwing up her eyes .
20 After she 'd completed her delivery round of the dressing rooms , Lucy came back into the department , took off her coat and threw it in the corner , and then threw herself onto one of the available chairs with an equal lack of ceremony .
21 As she was about to say , ‘ I 'll tell the mistress you 've come , ’ there was a scampering of feet on the stairs , and Annabel almost threw herself on Millie , crying , ‘ Oh ! how lovely !
22 She lay placidly on her stomach as Kattina straddled her buttocks , stroking her spine and shoulder blades with her long fingers while sometimes throwing herself forward to lie across Jacqui 's slim back and nuzzle her neck or her ears .
23 ‘ But I do ! ’ she exclaimed , almost throwing herself back into his arms , and frenziedly clasping her hands about his neck .
24 She 'd never throw herself away on some dirty old man . ’
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