Example sentences of "[pron] opt [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By now it has sold out , so I opt for a gin and tonic , at a price commensurate with a drink at the Ritz .
2 I opt for the outside seat which in some models is adapted into a mini-swimming-pool .
3 Existing schools which opt for GM status will be able to emulate City Technology Colleges and attract private technology sponsorship .
4 Although hibernation can be dangerous and some creatures never awaken from it , it is less lethal to the animals which opt for it than the rigours of a harsh winter would be .
5 Employees who opt for the scheme will be expected to revert to their former employment contract once their children reach 14 .
6 The new body — to be set up by the 12 countries of the European Community and the six countries of the European Free Trade Association — would be open to east European states who opt for democracy .
7 If we compare boys of 14 years of age who opt for science with other boys , we find that the former have very cut-and-dried views on many issues .
8 The aim is that those young people who opt for early leaving would themselves be substantial gainers .
9 Investigators who opt for the first solution may seek out variable syntactic elements where meaning variation does not constitute a serious problem ; this is the general approach taken by Cheshire .
10 This costs up to 2 p.c. of the sum converted with the possibility of a £3 handling charge if you opt for non-sterling or American dollar denominated cheques .
11 If you opt for the once a week regime , apply the oils three times a day if possible , otherwise once a day is enough .
12 If you opt for the minimum , contracted out personal pension , you will pay the full-rate of national insurance contributions , and the government will pass on a rebate to the firm providing the pension ( a bank , a building society , an insurance company , or a unit trust ) .
13 If you opt for undergravels , a good and economic choice for the novice , you will have first to add an undergravel plate .
14 For concerned parents , the best advice is : weigh the evidence , talk to your dentist and , if you opt for fluoride , make sure you do n't overdose .
15 This straightforward facility means that you can revise , or indeed build , your presentation at the last minute — particularly if you opt for on-screen presentations , rather than foils produced by colour plotters — yet still get professional results .
16 If you opt for a childminder , you should : Visit the house several times with your child .
17 Whatever shoe style you opt for , look for simplicity and minimal design .
18 Bear in mind however , that if you opt for a natural wood finish your mistakes will all be seen !
19 Unless you opt for the insurance company 's managed fund , the safer option , you will need to employ a professional adviser .
20 TV Sports Boxing is playable if you opt for the management side of the game and simply let the computer fight for you .
21 That stacks up to a quite well specified machine , and you 'll find file operations , particularly , slow on a 20MHz SX if you opt for the HPFS .
22 If you entertain a lot you may well prefer to have your kitchen separate from the dining area , unless you opt for a large and deliberately-for-dining kitchen .
23 We opt for The Baker 's Wife at the Phoenix and all vote it a definite winner , and I wonder again at the jaundiced palate of critics who gave it a fair old drubbing when it first trotted out .
24 In order to explore a different style of bass , we opt for a Hohner , though traditional Fenders are still popular in this price range .
25 So we opt for the tried and tested T-shirt or , even worse , baggy shorts and a button-through overshirt .
26 Not content with vamping it up in figure-skimming frocks with plunging cleavages and ribbon straps , we opt for the full dressing-up works , with long gloves , spindly stilettos , sparkling clutch bags and gleaming jewellery aplenty .
27 Sadly they probably do not know much of the Bible and have few friends among the saints , so they opt for one of the little poems which some newspapers have on offer in a little book .
28 Asked what they think women want , they opt for tenderness rather than sensuality .
29 They opt for the pop end of things , complete with requisite effects pedals et al , and give it loads of balls .
30 Yet the evidence from their earliest word uses , their requests for the names of things , and their repairs to their own utterances , all indicate that they opt for Conventionality as they begin to use their first language .
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