Example sentences of "[pron] not to worry " in BNC.

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1 In a moment of optimism my wife told me not to worry and pronounced that I could live perfectly well on one lung .
2 Angela told me not to worry ; Mr Tiller was used to seeing girls ' legs .
3 Lynn told me not to worry , that he would sort it out with Frank .
4 ‘ My GP told me not to worry and to drink more fluids .
5 A couple of years earlier , when I was having a bad patch and went to him for a reassuring chat , he had told me not to worry about it .
6 Mike was there every day , being nice to me and telling me not to worry about anything , he 'd found this flat and his mother was seeing to furnishing it and they were making arrangements for the wedding .
7 ‘ Do you know , he told me not to worry about supper tonight but to enjoy my afternoon out .
8 There are people who encouraged me not to worry , not to be scared , but it 's hard .
9 Gaily walked home , opened the front door , called out to them not to worry , took the brown leather-cloth bag of washing and left the house again .
10 In all this , as in everything else in their lives , you can help them best by listening with patience and sympathy , never dismissing their anxieties — however unreasonable they may seem to be — simply by telling them not to worry because you will always see that they are all right .
11 I told them not to worry , that I was sure I 'd see them again — on the scene .
12 I do remember that I left a sort of note for my family telling them not to worry because I 'd got a good job and I might not be in touch for a while , but then it all gets kind of overlaid with a memory of a headache like you would n't believe , and shock at being connected to all these horrible machines and — ’
13 Erm they can then feel that their family 's being looked after as well , so it helps them not to worry about that side of it .
14 My position there was simple : I told them not to worry about it .
15 ‘ The Americans are n't going to be impressed by somebody from Sprague 's Committee who was n't within miles of the Abbey telling them Not to worry old boy the Redcoats have muddled through again ca n't recall the details but just take my word for it …
16 I ca n't afford to take you out properly or buy you a proper Christmas present , or be able to tell you not to worry — I 'm twenty-eight years old and I 'm still living from hand to mouth like a bloody tramp .
17 ‘ I told you not to worry .
18 I told him not to worry and that I was quite impressed and would be interested in managing the band .
19 ‘ Tell him not to worry , I 'll go . ’
20 This time I simply wrote him a decent-sized cheque and told him not to worry about repaying it .
21 Michael told him not to worry , it was all taken care of .
22 I got up , we were lying on the sofa , and knelt by him and told him not to worry .
23 Give my regards to your father and tell him not to worry . ’
24 Belinda wanted to tell him not to worry about waiting for her if he wanted to return to Labour and Delivery , but somehow the words would n't come .
25 An old servant , bald as a badger , yellow-faced and wizened , bustled towards us with all the speed of a snail ; he mumbled apologies in French but Ralemberg just tapped him gently on the shoulder and told him not to worry .
26 But I spoke with Mr about half an hour ago on the telephone , told him not to worry at all , that
27 R. J. left her with a few of his abstruse sayings , which she believed meant he was telling her not to worry too much ; it was difficult to tell .
28 She was very sorry ; I told her not to worry .
29 She returned to her car , and a passing police patrol told her not to worry as she would get priority .
30 ‘ I told her not to worry and that we 'd pull through together , ’ said Rosemary of Pentwyn , Cardiff .
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