Example sentences of "[prep] the fullest " in BNC.

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1 Creatures , therefore , are not disconnected from each other , though only fellow members of a species appear to possess the capacity for the fullest understanding of each other .
2 ‘ So let me tell you about our Emperor 's hopes for the fullest possible form of control … ’
3 Essentially , you will be looking for the fullest possible information , not only about how fantastic the colour is , but about all the other factors we have been discussing , and how candid are the comments on the shortcomings .
4 Isaiah Berlin has pointed to the uncertainty in Marx 's attitude to this ‘ the most central of all the concepts of his system ’ and to his failure to reconcile the two views he expresses : the one , that in unalienated labour there is perfect freedom for the fullest realisation of human potential and happiness ; the other , that ‘ the need for this minimum of toil is an inescapable fact of physical nature which it is mere Utopianism to hope to conjure away ’ .
5 The highest life of the unit is only attainable through the fullest life of all . ’
6 The Lord Chancellor has invited and me to put forward positive recommendations , which we have undertaken to do , after the fullest consultation .
7 I argued the advantages of establishing a Unit based on the principle of the fullest exploitation of surprise and of making the minimum demands on man-power and equipment .
8 In the early 1590s he turned his attention to the Maritimes and New England and his long proposal for colonizing and developing the commerce of this region is one of the fullest and most sensible colonial projects of the period .
9 This would be the time also of the fullest differentiation and autonomization of cultural facts .
10 Of the lands in lay hands , the two crown duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster possess some of the fullest records , although they are by no means unique .
11 Headteacher Dr. Alan Leech said : ‘ The staff at Bohunt were keen to join the new appraisal system as part of their commitment towards the fullest maintenance to teacher and pupil standards .
12 Because this is so it is unnecessary to make extravagant claims ; the provision of a multimedia library , with the fullest integration of catalogues and shelves , and the finest collection of viewing and listening equipment , still meets only questions 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 .
13 R/000/23/1142 The primary aim of this project ( which we call Project SUSANNE — ‘ surface and underlying structural analyses of naturalistic English ’ ) was to create a sizeable machine-readable sample of written English annotated with the fullest possible grammatical information and selected semantic information , in order to provide language researchers with a source of information ( including statistical information ) about patterns of usage in authentic English .
14 ‘ I do not , ’ replied Morse , with the fullest conviction .
15 The roles of the researcher were seen in terms of helping to identify , study , and solve an educational problem , with the fullest collaboration .
16 The owner of a thing is the person who has , in the fullest degree , those rights of use and enjoyment , of destruction , and of disposition , which have been mentioned above — subject , of course , to the general rules of law which protect the rights of others , to certain limited rights which he or his predecessors may have created in favour of others , and , in the case of land , to rules imposed by statute under which local and other authorities may purchase property compulsorily .
17 Far from bringing about the denouement of inter-war trade unionism , the General Strike reasserted , in the fullest form possible , the potential power of trade unionism .
18 It was a vast complex of buildings , a mission in the fullest sense with several towers surmounted by triple crowns .
19 Both on-screen and at speaking engagements , he was in the fullest sense a commentator on the sport , and was frequently critical of its administrators .
20 Forgiven as a sinner , accepted by Christ , secure in God the defender come life or death , he or she is a person in the fullest sense .
21 The memorandum specified that the employment of young people should be primarily considered ‘ from the point of view of their educational interests and permanent careers rather than from that of their immediate earning capacities ’ , and consequently LEAs were urged to undertake their new responsibilities and to exercise them ‘ in the fullest co-operation with the national system of Labour exchanges ’ .
22 Recognising that while there is a place for carefully programmed input , we endeavour to emphasise active independent learning through direct experience : for example through business enterprise , designing products for and in local companies , work experience , residential experience , community experience , family placements , recreational activities , which we hope will be recreative in the fullest sense .
23 In such an ethic , my rational ends at any one time would be the goals , whether of long-term ambition or of momentary caprice , to which I spontaneously tend in the fullest awareness then available , and all my deliberate acts would be means to these ends .
24 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
25 In such a pure case of one man 's gain being the other 's loss , what forbids him , even in the fullest awareness from both viewpoints , to act on the inclination from his own ?
26 This analysis shows up a further difference between choices of means and of ends ; the former start from facts publicly testable by objective criteria , the latter from the look and feel of things tested privately and subjectively , by assuming in experience or imagination the relevant viewpoint in the fullest awareness available , and discovering how one does respond .
27 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
28 What can be said for them is that if the High Priest is acting in the fullest awareness at present attainable by his people , it is right for him to perform the sacrifice , just as it would be right for a Western onlooker to try to dissuade him ; he is not like a Nazi who has voluntarily shut himself off from the knowledge of biology and history and the personal sensitivity attained by the culture of the Weimar Republic .
29 So far as the whole personality does not fall victim to the pressures either of the external environment or what one might call the internal environment of its own parts — in the form of various lusts and obsessions — it achieves its only conceivable goal , that of prosperous possession , in the fullest manner , of its own nature .
30 The kind of morality which Spinoza recommends is one which guides us on how we may live out our lives in the fullest possible exercise of our personal urges and abilities .
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