Example sentences of "[prep] the deepest " in BNC.

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1 Amid predictions that the emergency meeting could be the SED 's last party congress , the Communists have accepted ‘ full responsibility for the deepest crisis in the history of the GDR ’ .
2 A snorkel and diving goggles have often been recommended for the deepest powder snow .
3 An illegitimate birth in the degrading surroundings of the workhouse was about the deepest stigma that anyone could bear at the start of life .
4 Through this you , who have thought that the inner and outer struggle was your own , will understand , know and comprehend through the deepest fibres of your being that you are no longer alone and that everything you do matters to someone .
5 Daniel Defoe ‘ came to Lewes , through the deepest , dirtiest , but many ways the richest , and most profitable country in all that part of England ’ .
6 It was a perfect passing away for both of them , and at the same time the most intolerable accession into being , the marvellous fullness of immediate gratification , overwhelming , outflooding from the source of the deepest life-force , the darkest , deepest , strangest life-source of the human body , at the back and base of the loins .
7 There 's nothing for it but to clamber , wheezing and bursting of heart , up the steep steps ( 300 and more ) of one of the deepest shafts of the Underground to air and freedom .
8 The house is built of rock-faced sandstone which is of the deepest pink , peculiar to this area , and its roofs are of patterned slate .
9 It is not merely a sexual offence , but one of the deepest breaches of trust which can take place in a family-based society .
10 We have all heard of examples of the deepest psychological states being cured with a 6c potency and at the other extreme a 50M being needed for a sprained ankle .
11 The parish well-head , taking up practically all of the small village green of this remote settlement high on the chalk downs , drew water from one of the deepest wells in the country .
12 For me , one of the deepest of all embarrassing irritants is to hear a priest talking about God or ‘ Our Saviour , Jesus Christ . ’
13 She flashed Frau Geller and her companion a glance of the deepest loathing .
14 ‘ In mild cloudy weather the vapour on the mountains sometimes travels horizontally , by which their summits are hid from the eye of the anxious spectator , but when ascending or descending mists shall roll upon the surface of gigantic nature , when some castle-like rock alternately of the deepest air tint and most celestial light , shall seem as hung in clouds , the powers of the pencil are frequently suspended , and the mind employed in comparing the greatness of nature with the littleness of art . ’
15 The book , inspired by the Swiss educational theorist Jean Piaget , describes how contact with computers can help children develop a sense ‘ of the deepest ideas from science , from mathematics , and from the art of intellectual model building ’ .
16 At times , apparently as a direct result of some manner of ‘ divine ’ intervention resulting from organised praying , there have been cures thus effected against all expectations and in defiance of the deepest scepticism .
17 But to the historian it must be of the deepest interest .
18 He accepts the widely held view that the development of mass-production industry produced a sharp deterioration in the conditions of manual work and led to the emergence of a type of worker who combined a generalised hostility to the prevailing society with a primary preoccupation with militant economic action ; but he suggests that , as technology continues to develop , the increased use of full automation will eliminate many of the deepest sources of resentment about work , and , in so doing , encourage normative integration within the existing social structure of the enterprise .
19 You can now stride out purposefully along the edge path , across Ashway Rocks ; past the blackened cross in memory of James Platt , MP for Oldham , who was accidentally killed during a grouse shoot last century ; above the mighty Dove Stone Rocks , eventually contouring along the moorland lip high above Chew Brook , which tumbles down one of the deepest and most dramatic valleys in the area .
20 He wore an expression of the deepest misery .
21 Mrs Varden turned over to the next page ; then went back again to the bottom line over leaf to be quite sure of the last words ; and then went on reading with an appearance of the deepest interest and study .
22 Far from being just the confluence of two solitary corporeal entities , sex represents a state of the deepest , most needed fusion in which the whole being can realize itself .
23 Such work can serve societal purposes , of the deepest kind : not as food , or as shelter , or as tools , but as ‘ recognitions ’ ( both new and confirming marks ) of people and kinds of people in places and kinds of place , and indeed often as more than this , as ‘ recognitions ’ of a physical species in a practically shared physical universe , with its marvellously diverse interactions of senses , forces , potentials .
24 It is unusual for two reasons : he used the powdered bone of the toad with drawing oils and substances instead of with jading substances as most horsemen in Suffolk did ; again , the description of the actual ritual of getting with all the attendant circumstances is of the deepest interest .
25 Two more chance seedlings , M. sprengeri diva ‘ Lanhydrock ’ , a very striking reddish purple , and M. mollicomata ‘ Peter Borlase ’ , an unusual colour of the deepest rose , are now some twenty-three years old .
26 Astilbe ‘ Fanal ’ has some of the deepest coloured flowers of any of this charming family of bog garden plants .
27 The girls had long ringlets of the deepest black that cascaded down their backs , while the boy 's hair , similarly black and lustrous , was tied in a ponytail at his neck .
28 The fields are tiny , the air makes you sleepy , the sky is of the deepest blue .
29 When she woke , her eyes were like fires in the depths of the deepest wells .
30 Ian soon learned how to dodge the flying hooves of Boy and remain in control of his bike , but what he had n't expected was the clinging weight and depth of wet Wadhurst clay — somersaulting with a squelch into one of the deepest bogs which appeared regularly between the level stretches of good galloping ground where both could make good speed .
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