Example sentences of "[prep] few exceptions " in BNC.

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1 With few exceptions the only thing that Common Law can do is to give him money compensation .
2 This is the justification of the law of bankruptcy , originally applicable only to traders , but now , with few exceptions , to all insolvent persons .
3 What is clear is that , with few exceptions , the major avenue to career mobility in most countries is through formal post-secondary education .
4 Spalding concludes that , with few exceptions , such as the tin miners in Bolivia , labour has been coopted by these mechanisms and not proved itself to be a revolutionary force .
5 The poems of her last fourteen months are , with few exceptions , directed to Bridget Freemantle : ‘ 'T IS to her we sing …
6 The Data Protection Act 1984 , whose only specific reference to education concerns examination results , gives a general right of subject access ( with few exceptions ) to all computerised personal information .
7 Italian fiction , for a long time predicated on an absolute distinction between ‘ high ’ or ‘ quality ’ writing and ‘ popular ’ writing , and , with few exceptions , limited in its ‘ higher ’ forms to an alternation between social observation and psychological introspection , has changed its shape : the detective story , the thriller , the Gothic fantasy , science fiction , the romance , all now occupy an honoured place in what is accepted as ‘ serious ’ fiction .
8 The books in the list were , with few exceptions , selected by the random methods explained .
9 And though at Arsenal the manager continued in the role of club supremo cast by Chapman , elsewhere — with few exceptions — it was still the directors who had general control .
10 With few exceptions formal or even semi-formal user education programmes for adults are uncommon in the public library sector .
11 A unit of traditional authority survived indeed in the Church ; but that rather favoured the independent cities , for with few exceptions each had its own cathedral and its own bishop ; often its own patron saint to protect it against its neighbours .
12 The inhabitants of Northern Nigeria , however , though coming close to this standard , had with few exceptions to be cured of a certain lack of forthrightness .
13 With few exceptions the cottages and houses opened directly onto the street with no front gardens .
14 With few exceptions , Faulkner criticism collapses the major themes of that writer into discursive ‘ mythologies ’ and treats the later works — whose focus is race and class — as minor , superficial , marked by decline .
15 The cause was defined as essentially terminating in 1834 ; the BFASS was thus marginal to the tradition of antislavery ; it was conducted , with few exceptions , by ‘ men utterly unknown in the great Antislavery battle ’ .
16 In Leicestershire their probate inventories show them to have been essentially large-scale farmers , generally working 100 acres or more , sometimes occupying two or more farms extending into more than one parish , renting additional pastures , and with few exceptions distinguished from plain husbandmen by superior wealth .
17 With few exceptions , villages were tiny , shrinking communities with the irreducible minimum of the poorest people : at Hawling , where the population was well short of a hundred , only three of the twenty different men recorded in the combined muster and subsidy were assessed at less than £2 , and none out of eleven at tiny Batsford .
18 Now it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that during the intervening twenty-five years the lord had bought out most of the freeholds , which , with few exceptions , must have been very small , and might just be identified with the sixteen ‘ Farme Landes ’ .
19 With few exceptions , the rights to coal in Great Britain are vested in the British Coal Corporation by the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 .
20 With few exceptions , the proxy records of the two climate shifts can be explained by changes in seasonality ascribed to this mechanism .
21 With few exceptions the participants in our study of talk about classroom violence and its accounting are from one school that is graced by some of the fans .
22 With few exceptions , not all of which were as abortive as the partly suspended sentence , the ground for legislative change was usually prepared by Royal Commissions , Committees of Inquiry or reports from the ACPS or other advisory bodies .
23 With few exceptions , such as franchising in hotels and fast foods , where the service can be ‘ packaged ’ and transferred to a third party under stringent conditions of control , most service firms find that they require equity control to ‘ internalise ’ the gains and recoup the high costs of developing the network in the first place .
24 The theory of State responsibility may ensure the independence of the State in presenting its claims , but this should not obscure the fact that entities other than States have interests that may be affected by the outcome of the proceedings , and that the present process of international litigation , with few exceptions , pays no regard to them .
25 And for gentlemen , for men of property , the idea that the unpropertied working class should be represented in Parliament simply could not arise , any more than the reformers , with few exceptions , could enter into the minds of working people or sympathise with the political aspirations of their leaders .
26 With few exceptions , most people would wish to have a holiday of at leapt two weeks in the summer period which for some may also be confined to the time when children are on holiday from school or when the local factory is closed .
27 Afghan and Turkoman rugs , whether of nomadic , village or workshop origin , are with few exceptions excellent value for money , and in terms of sheer quality constitute some of the very best rugs in their price range on the market today .
28 Pollution control problems arise from the number and variety of industrial and manufacturing processes employed in industries set in an entirely urban environment , since domestic sources , with few exceptions , are efficiently treated in a small number of large sewage works .
29 Field staff , with few exceptions , possess a considerable sense of vocation and idealism , and display a commitment to their ultimate goal of the protection of the environment .
30 With few exceptions , aquarium fish will not and can not eat plants , since healthy plants are far too tough for the fish to eat .
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