Example sentences of "[prep] [art] fittest " in BNC.

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1 With Whittaker as trainer , it was no surprise that Arsenal players established a reputation as the fittest in the country .
2 Both seem to have attracted around 30 people ; Hague , named last year as the fittest man in the House , would probably have been at home in either .
3 This was very much the implication which was drawn from Darwin 's work by those anthropologists who published immediately after The Origin of Species , so that they enthusiastically talked of natural selection and the survival of the fittest in their outlines of human history .
4 Appropriately enough for a photo session with one of the fittest men in the world — capable of dancing for hours without a break — we 'd taken over a corner of top London gym , The Peak , at the Hyatt Carlton Tower Hotel .
5 Even though drug testing has attracted the most controversy , it is merely part of a broad movement in America toward a Darwinian worker-selection policy , which has been dubbed ‘ employment of the fittest . ’
6 Darwin 's idea of ‘ survival of the fittest ’ found a home in political philosophy in the form ( albeit distorted ) of social darwinism .
7 Its honours for impresarios and maverick businessmen — what The Times called examples of ‘ unrepentant Darwinism , of the business survival of the fittest and of nature red in tooth and claw ’ — so appalled them and the Palace that it took several weeks for approval to be obtained .
8 Due to the process of evolution and survival of the fittest , a good memory and a strong fear for physical danger has been built into horses and reinforced for at least fifty million years .
9 He added that ‘ the survival of the fittest is sometimes the apotheosis of the unfit ’ .
10 This , combined with the process of survival of the fittest — which promotes the emergence of ever better creatures — is what enables the ‘ miracle ’ of human life to develop .
11 One would then throw out all but the best — that is , the shortest — routes , and keep these for a kind of ‘ survival of the fittest ’ .
12 As we are about to see , Darwin 's use of Herbert Spencer 's resounding phrase ‘ survival of the fittest ’ , does not actually represent the nature of the process adequately and over-emphasizes part of it .
13 Survival of the fittest was a superb natural mechanism which we damaged .
14 The theory of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ predicts that the old and weak must eventually succumb to the young and strong , and that this is necessary for the future vitality of the species .
15 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
16 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
17 The survival of the fittest meant that the struggle for life condemned millions of living creatures to starvation or violent death from many causes , not by any means the least important of which was the provision of food for other species .
18 From the very first tiny beginnings , the steady development of life continued , through countless aeons of time , controlled by no other influence than the ruthless laws of the survival of the fittest , and this was the process which was inexorably bringing about the development of the being which was to become man .
19 When in the fullness of immense periods of time , emerging man found that he needed a ‘ god ’ , and a logical conception of ‘ good ’ and ‘ evil ’ , he had no alternative but to accept that the countless millions of operations which make up the law of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ , had necessarily to be designated either ‘ good ’ , if they furthered the cause , or completely disregarded if they did not .
20 Clearly there is more to such cross-species communication than a merely self-centred ‘ survival of the fittest ’ .
21 Survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle and one by which all animals , including humans , are bound .
22 The survival of the fittest .
23 The majority of the fry are eaten but I think that this is a case of survival of the fittest in the confines of a community tank .
25 We have only two years in which to change the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ ideology into a social attitude which is tolerant of ethnic , political and other minority groups , and individuals who are threatened by the ruling moral standards .
26 Paddy Ashdown , on the other hand , is said to be one of the fittest MPs at Westminster but according to his camp , ‘ he likes to keep his fitness regime out of the headlines ’ .
27 Schoolboys reveal themselves as having only a thin veneer of ‘ civilization ’ which , once the constraints of authority are removed , disappears , laying bare their ‘ true nature ’ which is violent , domineering , and competitive , resulting in the survival of the fittest in a most literal sense .
28 Our perception of spermatozoa was changed forever by Woody Allen 's impersonation of one in Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex , and University of Pennsylvania are giving substance to his fantasies , putting the poor little tadpoles through an arduous obstacle course to step up the process of survival of the fittest : according to Prodigy Services Co , the mad scientists have created a new class of silicon chip that can be used for analyzing sperm samples and providing a venue for fertilisation ; the technology uses microscopic obstacle courses inside a silicon wafer to weed out unhealthy sperm , and has been used successfully to fertilise a mouse egg ; the chips are etched with a virtual theme park of twisting channels , forests of columns , and other features designed to ensure only the strongest of sperm reach their goal , with some passages so small that only a single cell can pass ; the researchers have not yet applied for approval to test human fertilisation using the chip , but say that could happen within the next 12 months — Brave New World , or the embodiment of virtual sex .
29 Aggressive species of hard corals and aggressive large anemones such as Carpet anemones are best therefore placed well away from other invertebrates and as a general rule the larger non-colonial forms of anemone should be kept to a minimum in the aquarium to avoid the survival of the fittest syndrome from taking over .
30 Darwin 's theories have been used to support the view that homo sapiens is the pre-eminent of species , and have fuelled beliefs in the morality of the survival of the fittest , whilst also lending support to positions , reminiscent of Albert Schweitzer 's , which emphasise universal kinship and the duty to care for the lowly and enfeebled .
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