Example sentences of "[adj] to perform [art] " in BNC.

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1 If anybody wants to know whether people are right to perform the local duty
2 Using this technique , it is possible to perform a safe autorotation from a very low level .
3 As mentioned above , it was not possible to perform a detailed study of the Ca 2 + sensitivity of K + channels in excised inside out patches .
4 In a case such as this , involving humans , it is not possible to perform a properly designed cause-to-effect experiment .
5 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
6 However , Beacham and Jones ( 1971 ) came close to taking this line on the grounds that it is not possible to perform the cost-benefit exercise well enough to obtain a soundly based conclusion .
7 The second way by which BRAC gauged the effect of its Oral Therapy Extension Programme was by commissioning the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC to perform a study .
8 You should comply with all reasonable management requests and be prepared to perform the full range of duties appropriate to your employment , ie not only your current duties ; but a wider range of duties required by the ES ( within daily travelling distance of your home for non-mobile employees and anywhere in the organisation if you are in a mobile grade .
9 The crop failure was an unexpected turn of events rendering it impossible to perform the contract which was therefore frustrated .
10 The failure of the crop of Blackacre will render it impossible to perform the contract in the first example , whereas in the latter case the contract can be fulfilled by supplying potatoes from any source .
11 Glass gives up to 100 concerts a year and is coming to Europe in 1991 to perform the music from Powaqqatsi .
12 The Iranian Foreign Minister , Ali Akbar Vellayati , who had met King Fahd in Riyadh in April , visited Saudi Arabia again on June 15-24 to perform the Islamic pilgrimage ( hajj ) .
13 NSW won what was seen as a ‘ grudge ’ match , with Greg Matthews ( 85 not out and 67 , plus 11 wickets ) becoming the seventh Australian to perform the ‘ match double ’ in a Sheffield Shield game , after G. Giffen ( eight times ) , J.N. Crawford ( 1913–14 ) , C.J. Hill ( 1932–33 ) , T.J. Jenner ( 1973–74 ) , P.H. Carlson ( 1978–79 ) and J.C .
14 When by 1292 John of York had become too old and infirm to perform the duties of his Forest office , Edward I granted him a pension of ‘ three pence daily out of the issues of the forest , at the hands of the Justice of the Forest north of Trent , and six cartloads of firewood in the said forest by view and delivery of the foresters there ’ .
15 They are more likely to perform the classical political role ‘ of mediator and reconciler of different interests ’ .
16 The central idea of kin selection is that a gene A , causing an animal to be more likely to perform an act X , may increase in frequency in a population even if act X reduces the individual fitness ( expected number of offspring ) of the animal itself , provided that the act increases the fitness of animals related to the actor .
17 [ Four categories are then specified including certain convictions , incapacity rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office and conduct of an immoral , scandalous or disgraceful nature rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office . ]
18 [ Four categories are then specified including certain convictions , incapacity rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office and conduct of an immoral , scandalous or disgraceful nature rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office . ]
19 Was he supposed to perform a Vibrancy now ?
20 Perhaps the most fundamental was the great variation in the size and resources of units all supposed to perform the same tasks at roughly the same standards .
21 One of the questions raised ( see also above , p. 202 and below p. 650 ) was whether the plaintiffs had given consideration to the defendants by promising to perform an existing contract between the plaintiffs and a third party , Fu Chip , in the performance of which the defendants had an interest .
22 While it has been deemed unethical to perform a controlled clinical trial , it could be argued that the use of limited resources on surveillance programmes of unproved value is also unethical .
23 It therefore appears reasonable to perform a maximin analysis for player II .
24 Since both treatments consisted predominantly of evening primrose oil , we felt it reasonable to perform an analysis with the two active treatment groups combined .
25 The new employee does not have to be an exact replacement of the former employee , but may be able to perform a more productive and better defined role .
26 To be able to perform a full schedule of aerobatics in a range of winds from 8 to 40 km/h ( 5–25mph ) , some bridle adjustment is essential for ‘ tuning ’ .
27 Moreover , to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger .
28 Now and then , he was able to perform a special service for one of his clients and there was a little secrecy involved .
29 Largely due to her courage and drive she enabled them to grow in stature so that the choirs were able to perform the major choral works drawing an audience of over 1,000 at a performance of the Dream of Gerontius and be broadcast with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra on three occasions .
30 The logic of Ormrod J. 's decision must cause us to say that the male in these examples is no longer able to perform the essential role of a male — that is , assert his biological maleness — and is not , therefore , a male for the purposes of marriage , and that therefore there is no marriage .
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