Example sentences of "[verb] been campaigning " in BNC.

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1 A victory for her would be regarded as a particularly bitter blow for Mr Chirac , who has been campaigning in support of her rival .
2 Academics have been writing books and articles ; Charter 88 has been campaigning for constitutional reform ; citizenship is to be incorporated in the National Curriculum in the schools ; and a commission under the august patronage of the Speaker of the House of Commons published a report entitled Encouraging Citizenship in October 1990 .
3 Plenty of people turned up , including Mark Lennox Boyd , one of the influential and able new generation of Conservatives , and MP for ITE Merlewood , the Father of the House , John Parker , who has been campaigning on the environment and forestry since 1935 , and a Green troika of David Clark , Opposition spokesman on environment , Peter Hardy , author of a book on badgers , and chairman of the Council of Europe Agricultural Committee , and me .
4 Since the 1970s Scandinavia , and in particular Sweden and Norway , has been campaigning for other countries to drastically cut sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions .
5 The EADT has been campaigning to save the Newmarket industry , which is one of the best-known employers in Suffolk .
6 Anne McIntosh , MEP for north east Essex , has been campaigning against UK rates of excise duty which , she says , are making people buy drink on the Continent rather than at British shops .
7 The Daily Mirror has been campaigning to make trolleys safer for years after reporting accidents , such as :
8 PRINCESS Diana has sent a secret cash gift to a battered wives ' refuge that the Mirror has been campaigning to save .
9 The firm has been campaigning since November 1991 to receive results at the same time as the Japanese press — a privilege denied it because it is not a member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange press club , where securities companies post earnings announcements in members ' pigeon-holes .
10 A particularly influential way of studying them was outlined by Ninian Smart , one of the first members of the Shap Working Party which has been campaigning for this approach since the early 1970s : religions each have at least six dimensions : doctrinal , mythological , ethical , ritual , experiential and social .
11 Friends of the Earth , which has been campaigning for a clean-up programme , welcomed the announcement but said it did not go far enough .
12 Since Gooding 's detention in Coney Hill , the city 's MP has been campaigning for his transfer to more secure premises .
13 Mr Brandreth has been campaigning for the Army 's new pay and personnel centre to be located in Chester and he led two delegations from the city to see Mr Hanley 's predecessor , Archie Hamilton .
14 Friends of the Earth Cymru has been campaigning on green issues in Wales for 10 years but relies on donations .
15 Dr. Kumar , the 35-year-old research scientist , who is single and lives in Marton , has been campaigning on his short but busy record as an MP .
16 The district council decision has been welcomed by a Conservative councillor , Alan Trotter , who has been campaigning for action , with regional Councillor Fred Ratky .
17 There has been a marked increase in the number of women working in isolated areas and the G M B has been campaigning for improvements in safety on public transport , a campaign which must continue .
18 I had been campaigning for Dewey night and day for six months .
19 Certainly Terry , Brian and I knew that close friends had been campaigning for us and that that experience could have changed them , just as we 'd been changed by what we had gone through .
20 A practical outcome from this incident was a new pair of deck shoes for Marty who had been campaigning for a replacement from Stores Branch for some time .
21 Or so he seemed to Sairellen Thackray who preferred her leaders to have the mature dignity of a Richard Oastler , whom she had followed on foot those ninety miles to York and back when they had been campaigning for the ten hour working day .
22 Although he had never formally declared his candidacy , the Texan billionaire had been campaigning intensively since March .
23 However , the FoE did welcome a number of proposals they had been campaigning on for some time .
24 Defence counsel William Carter said Gould had been campaigning against drug abuse within the jail .
25 And we 've been campaigning for years to try and get these laws changed , no-one seems to have been listening very much and that 's why we 've adopted this more upfront direct challenge to the law .
26 Trade unions , the Industrial Society , and the Occupational Pensions Advisory Service have been campaigning for years to improve employees ' rights over their retirement income .
27 This will bring in reforms of the kind which the Consumers ' Association have been campaigning for over many a long year .
28 The poll results provided a morale boost for the Conservatives , who have been campaigning against the background of a fierce economic recession .
29 Anti-EC groups , backed by businessmen , have been campaigning for a ‘ no ’ vote and are six to eight percentage points ahead in the polls .
30 Brightest spot : the final , disgraceful death of the opinion poll industry , which I have been campaigning for since 1983 .
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