Example sentences of "[verb] suggestions for " in BNC.

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1 In the June issue of Woodworker we invited suggestions for moisture meters , following Colin Mill 's article on the subject .
2 He invited suggestions for future meetings/outings .
3 This will stimulate suggestions for new or further research .
4 He flatly rejected talks with the opposition , saying : ‘ We do n't need suggestions for the improvement of socialism that are really intended to cause its demise . ’
5 Editor , — BMA News Review recently carried suggestions for hourly rates for doctors retained as expert witnesses by lawyers .
6 The BA hopes to produce the directory annually and would welcome suggestions for new entries , corrections or additions by 28th February , with the incentive of a draw for a bottle of champagne .
7 We welcome suggestions for any further improvements we could make , so please let us know your views .
8 The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet , containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords .
9 The judge left it to counsel to submit suggestions for appropriate relief for the limited infringement of copyright .
10 It reviews current practices and offers suggestions for their improvement through the development of affirmative assessment .
11 Teacher 's Book — helps you with lesson plans and offers suggestions for extra activities
12 Make suggestions for people I can go out and hassle in the first couple of days of the week .
13 This area is seen as only one of a number of possible future points of development , for plans are being discussed for setting up a linked structure of subject panels from national down to district and location level to give all teachers the opportunity to comment on materials and raise suggestions for new approaches .
14 Again , for most of the awards , centres feel that the balance of mandatory and optional modules in each award specification is appropriate , though many made suggestions for additions to optional groupings .
15 Although the proposal reportedly received widespread support from within the West German political parties , the official NATO reaction to the idea , contained in a statement of Jan. 8 , was to reject suggestions for the " creation of special zones ' as distinct from an overall CFE treaty .
16 You will find that we have provided suggestions for low-calorie desserts for each evening of the diet .
17 He said : ‘ The Crosby 10 was set up to help local charities and when we were taking suggestions for this year Vicki 's name was mentioned .
18 The wealth of information collected and most ably synthesised in the project 's report was used as evidence on which to base suggestions for possible key topics round which teaching could be based .
19 Over the next few years the book saw suggestions for all manner of things — for packet tobaccos to be sold at shop prices , for a device to be put on the smoking room door to stop persistent slamming and a complaint that the bushes on the 5th made the hole a flukey .
20 He will also outline suggestions for a longer-term alternative package for 1994/95 and 1995/96 .
21 Clearly it viewed suggestions for data protection legislation , especially those which made the inclusion of public sector computers a central point , with disfavour , and until pressure from Europe proved irresistible it was successful .
22 He and Rappaport ( 1987 ) , extending Porter 's approach , offer suggestions for an outline analysis of costs by strategic categories of action .
23 As well as investigating the activities of individual authorities , it publishes papers which compare practice and offer suggestions for improvement .
24 While we have tried to offer suggestions for possible mixtures of cichlids , often as not it is a case of trial and error .
25 All members of the Planning Group to offer suggestions for a second speaker .
26 As with all aspects of the Advanced Courses Development Programme , SCOTVEC welcomes suggestions for the improvement of the catalogue and hopes that feedback from centres will help to determine the most useful way in which the necessary information can be provided for all users in the future .
27 Before the announcement , Baker had an unprecedented meeting on Feb. 14 , at a previously closed nuclear weapons development laboratory , Chelyabinsk-70 , with scientists there , who outlined suggestions for civilian work which they could do for the West .
28 Chapter 8 draws some conclusions from the research and makes suggestions for change .
29 These include suggestions for prediction and reviewing work , role play , and the correct use of the video controls .
30 These include suggestions for prediction and reviewing work , role play and the correct use of the video controls which permit freeze-frame , silent viewing , and fast-forwarding .
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