Example sentences of "[noun] activating [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This study was performed in an attempt to estimate the mucosal activity of neutrophils in ulcerative colitis and elucidate the possible neutrophil activating role certain cytokines may exert .
2 The release of myeloperoxidase correlated to an enhanced local release of the neutrophil activating peptide interleukin 8 ( IL-8 ) .
3 Human neutrophil activating peptide/interleukin 8 ( NAP-1/ IL-8 ) is a single , non-glycosylated peptide chain ; its main activities include activation and chemotactic attraction of neutrophils .
4 Plasminogen activating activity was significantly lower in malignant ascites ( n=10 , median <0.02 ( range <0.02–1.26 ) IU/ml ) than in alcoholic ascites ( n=10 , 1.07 ( 0.30–1.49 ) IU/ml ) ( p<0.05 ) .
5 The plasminogen activating activity of alcohol ascites may lead to primary fibrinolysis after peritoneovenous shunting .
6 This has been confirmed by direct measurement of ascitic plasminogen activating activity and has led to speculation that an infusion of plasminogen activators could stimulate a coagulopathy mediated by primary fibrinolysis .
7 Plasminogen activating activity was determined by the fibrin plate method after incubation for 24 hours at 37°C and the results expressed as IU tissue polasminogen activator/ ml ascitic fluid ( lower limit of detection 0.02 IU/ ml ) .
8 The plasminogen activating activity was significating higher in alcoholic cirrhotic ascites ( median 1.07 ( range 0.30–1.49 ) IU/ml ) than in malignant ascites ( <0.02 ( <0.02–1.26 ) IU/ml , p<0.05 ) .
9 There was no positive correlation between the plasminogen activating activity and the severity of alcoholic liver disease in the cirrhotic group , based on serum albumin ( r = 0.04 ) , bilirubin ( r =0.45 ) , or prothrombin time ( r =0.24 ) .
10 Our results confirm that alcoholic ascites contains plasminogen activating activity .
11 These studies show that the plasminogen activating activity of ascites is primarily mediated by tissue plasminogen activator and that it is also probably responsible for a coagulopathy mediated by primary fibrinolysis after insertion of a peritoneovenous shunt .
12 As a control the K562 blot was also probed with a β-globin probe to show the presence of the locus activating region hypersensitive sites ( data not shown , 42 ) .
13 The transcriptional regulatory sequences of carcinoembryonic antigen ( implicated in colorectal cancer ) , tyrosinase ( melanoma ) , c-erb B2 ( breast , pancreatic , and gastric cancer ) , and α fetoprotein ( hepatoma ) have been coupled to the genes for several drug activating enzymes .
14 Role of platelet activating factor on the fibrinolytic activation in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal damage induced by endothelin-1
15 We determined tissue type plasminogen activator activity in the regional blood sample and the concentration of platelet activating factor in the gastric mucosa after the administration of endothelin-1 in a range of 50–500 pmol/ kg into the left gastric artery of male Wistar rats .
16 Endothelin-1 increased the tissue type plasminogen activator release and platelet activating factor formation , and induced subsequent gastric mucosal haemorrhagic change in a dose dependent manner .
17 In addition CV-6209 , a selective platelet activating factor blocker , attenuated the activation of regional tissue type plasminogen activator and the development of mucosal damage induced by endothelin-1 .
18 The results of this study showed that tissue type plasminogen activator activation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of endothelin induced mucosal injury of rat stomach , and suggest that the platelet activating factor may be involved in the process of regional fibrinolytic activation induced by endothelin-1 .
19 A previous study has shown that mucosal tissue type plasminogen activator , when released from endothelial cells by platelet activating factor , plays an important role in the process of gastric ulcer formation by inducing macromolecular permeable change in the rat experimental model .
20 In addition we have also investigated the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation .
21 The level of platelet activating factor in the rat gastric mucosa was determined after the administration of endothelin-1 using a radioimmunoassay method .
22 Total lipids of mucosal homogenate of rat antrum were extracted by the method of Bligh and Dyer at 4°C in the presence of 50 mM glycine HCl buffer ( pH 2.8 ) in a one phase system to inactivate platelet activating factor acetylhydolase .
23 The chloroform layer , which contains the purified lipid extract , was isolated and used to determine the platelet activating factor concentration , using the platelet activating factor [ H ] scintillation proximity assay system purchased from Amersham International plc ( UK ) .
24 The chloroform layer , which contains the purified lipid extract , was isolated and used to determine the platelet activating factor concentration , using the platelet activating factor [ H ] scintillation proximity assay system purchased from Amersham International plc ( UK ) .
25 The assay system is based on the competition between unlabelled platelet activating factor and a fixed quantity of [ H ] labelled platelet activating factor for a limited number of binding sites on a platelet activating factor specific antibody .
26 The assay system is based on the competition between unlabelled platelet activating factor and a fixed quantity of [ H ] labelled platelet activating factor for a limited number of binding sites on a platelet activating factor specific antibody .
27 The assay system is based on the competition between unlabelled platelet activating factor and a fixed quantity of [ H ] labelled platelet activating factor for a limited number of binding sites on a platelet activating factor specific antibody .
28 The platelet activating factor concentration of mucosa from rat antrum was expressed as pmol/g frozen tissue .
29 To assess the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced tissue type plasminogen activator activation in gastric mucosa , CV-6209 ( a gift from Takeda Pharm Co ) , a selective platelet activating factor blocker , was intravenously administered at a dose of 0.001–0.1 mg/kg five minutes before the injection of endothelin-1 .
30 To assess the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced tissue type plasminogen activator activation in gastric mucosa , CV-6209 ( a gift from Takeda Pharm Co ) , a selective platelet activating factor blocker , was intravenously administered at a dose of 0.001–0.1 mg/kg five minutes before the injection of endothelin-1 .
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