Example sentences of "[noun] to arrive at " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately , on the lonely and almost trackless muirs , it was difficult for the Dragoons to arrive at Priesthill unexpectedly .
2 The revaluation at a common date has helped , as has agreement in practice to arrive at comparable results .
3 But it is certainly not impossible and the attempt to arrive at agreed standards in all organizations can be helpful and educational to manager and employees alike .
4 Dialectic reasoning was an attempt to arrive at truth by exploring the contradictions in an argument .
5 More generally one can say that for attitudinism ethical statements invite the hearer ( or perhaps the speaker when in discourse with himself ) to express his agreement or disagreement in attitude , or perhaps join in a shared attempt to arrive at some stable and better based attitude , towards what is in question , and that this is quite a different matter from any discussion concerning the psychological state , of approving or disapproving , on either the speaker 's or hearer 's part .
6 Ironically , it may very well be that the potency of socialist realism is to be located precisely in this global strategy of revelation and disclosure rather than in any attempt to arrive at narrow prescriptive theories .
7 Geoff Tulloch ran computer programme after computer programme in an attempt to arrive at the most efficient method of organisation .
8 Richard Rolle 's at times flamboyant attempt to arrive at a form of living which would express his compulsive and impulsive drive towards personal realisation of the love of God , brought the circumstances of his life into prominence .
9 It 's been dealt with in a different way and not erm with an attempt to arrive at a common policy about it .
10 It was Brainsby 's idea for Richard Branson to arrive at the inaugural press conference wearing a brown leather aviator 's helmet , à la Biggles , in an attempt to lend the launching of an international airline something of the savour of a Boys Own adventure .
11 Coen and Hickman dispense with the common practice of linking changes in NAIRU with changes in the natural unemployment rate , preferring instead to rely on demographic and other data to arrive at direct estimates of the natural rate , estimates which do not take as their reference point the behaviour of the rate of inflation .
12 The utilitarian theorists — such as L W Sumner and Joseph Fletcher — reject moral absolutes , but still rely on deductive reasoning to arrive at moral principles and are much given to abstract statements like ‘ a fetus is a human being which is not yet a person ’ .
13 Tickets for the whole event are on sale , price £10.00 , from the box-office of the Empire Leicester Square , and we have pairs of free tickets for the first five readers to arrive at the cinema on Sunday morning bearing a copy of The Independent .
14 what weight of importance to attach to each criterion to arrive at an overall assessment for each axis .
15 It is the task in front of humanity to arrive at a definition for all controversial acts and to set a value on them ; acts decided as ‘ good ’ contributing to the Godhead , acts decided as ‘ evil ’ detracting there from , and acts of an innocuous nature as ‘ neutral ’ — , and having no effect .
16 Norman White from Gloucester was one of the first defendants to arrive at Bristol Crown Court .
17 The quiteron works in a similar way , although the energy gaps involved are about a thousand time smaller than for semiconductors — several milli-electronvolts ( take out the word electron to arrive at the corresponding driving voltages ) , This difference is behind the quiteron 's big advantage : it dissipates far less power than the conventional device .
18 The failure of the ITC to arrive at a negotiated settlement with its creditors , who claimed that they were owed a total of £513 million , led to a protracted battle in English courts [ see pp. 35293 ; 36635 ] .
19 The path starts at Hellesdon north-west of Norwich and makes its way towards Drayton , Attlebridge , Lenwade and Blackwater to arrive at Thelmthorpe .
20 The young people , who will walk from the City Hall to arrive at Cornmarket at 7.30pm , have dedicated themselves to promoting a non-violent solution .
21 The Cleveland Inquiry ( Secretary of State for Social Services , 1988 ) noted that : ‘ It has been impossible from the evidence provided to the Inquiry to arrive at any consensus or to obtain any reliable figures of the general prevalence of sexual abuse of children in the country or in Clevelend ’ ( p.4 ) and later comments that : ‘ We are strongly of the opinion that great caution should be exercised at the present time in accepting percentages as to the prevalence and incidence of sexual abuse .
22 Every day St John taught one Bible lesson at the school , and Miss Oliver , who knew her power over him , always chose that particular moment to arrive at the school door , in her most attractive riding dress .
23 The failure to arrive at an agreement sufficiently alarmed the District to establish its own sub-committee to examine the District 's future relationships with the Cambridge Board and LEAs in the region .
24 The failure to arrive at any detailed results is a reflection of the complexity of the issues involved rather than of the failure of the protagonists of the human capital theory to recognise the problem .
25 This was its justification : ‘ All who make war seek through war to arrive at a peace more perfect than existed before war . ’
26 It took the combined brain power of the teachers quite a few weeks to arrive at this simple routine for getting into Friday assembly .
27 These circulars , therefore , provided the DES with the evidence to substantiate its concern for the curriculum and the need to arrive at a national framework , presumably to correct the faults it saw .
28 However , in the need to arrive at a compromise and not to have full blown confrontation , a register of Labour supporters is the answer .
29 The final direction of outcome may well be different from the intentions of the participants at the start of the meeting but time and care have been applied to help the participants to arrive at the most effective consensus .
30 He felt he should be watching the road from behind the curtains , waiting for the badmen to arrive at High Noon , while in the background a voice intoned ‘ Do not forsake me , o my darling ’ .
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