Example sentences of "[noun] to prepare for " in BNC.

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1 Down below , some fishermen are working on their boat to prepare for sea .
2 ‘ We do not see how the department could describe the full implications of the new system of funding community care as being either foreseeable or insignificant ’ , it says , calling on the DoH to prepare for contingency spending .
3 As well as working on his own his ballet , John had his shaky technique to battle with in daily classes , and there were performances to prepare for .
4 The Inland Revenue is valuing thousands of homes to prepare for the council tax … due to replace the controversial poll tax in 1993 .
5 But the beleaguered taxpayer has just over 12 months to prepare for the changes — by which time the Chancellor hopes an improved economy will soften the blow .
6 I travelled extensively throughout the country for six months to prepare for a nationwide extension of the programme , which was funded by the European Community .
7 We had about two months to prepare for the seven of them ; a period useful not only for the co-ordinating of the PR assault but also , I believe , a safety gap , a firebreak , a time in which the military could take stock , an interval in which Goreng could see if there was to be a resurgence of the lost FAKINTIL in the hills .
8 At the end of the day he employs us and if he insists , we shall have to go straight into fourth gear to prepare for it .
9 At the end of the day if he insists , we shall have to go into fourth gear to prepare for it .
10 A gradual decline is evident until the records cease in November 1872 although the last entry was " to take immediate steps to prepare for the Soiree . "
11 In July 1940 Bletchley had intercepted a message from Goering to the chiefs of staff of the Luftwaffe in which was made clear Hitler 's intention to prepare for the invasion of Britain — ‘ Operation Sea Lion ’ , as it was code-named .
12 And only make believe:The mock-up crash to prepare for the worst .
13 Despite Hayatou 's appeal for calm and his announcement of a policy of " dialogue , consultation and national reconciliation " , a meeting on May 2 at Yaoundé University between students and the chancellor to prepare for a consultation with Hayatou broke up with the arrival of troops .
14 The Argentinian captain returned to Buenos Aires yesterday for the match against Denmark tomorrow after club president , Luis Cuervas , had ordered Maradona to prepare for next weekend 's home fixture in Spain .
15 Mr Scargill urged the miners to prepare for battle : they must stand firm over their wage claim .
16 An advance party is due to leave Ipswich Airport on Monday to prepare for the installation of X-ray equipment at a hospital in the city of Cluj .
17 Mesmerised by the scene he had witnessed , and agonised by the scene he had just had with Mrs Figgis-Hewett , when he saw her costume and vainly attempted to dissuade her , Auguste recalled his prime duty and reluctantly despatched Alfred to the dining room to prepare for the serving of wines at the Prince 's table .
18 If there is a danger that we have fallen into the trap of vocationalising education let me emphasise that we must actively encourage the development of intellectual curiosity and imagination by exploration in fields , however theoretically abstract — in science , maths , humanities , the arts or any sphere that captures students ' interests ; education has suffered as much from failure to excite interest in the world of ideas as failure to prepare for practicalities of daily living .
19 A FRESH move towards the privatisation of ScotRail was made yesterday with the creation of a Glasgow-based management post to prepare for the establishment of Railtrack , the state company which will take over railway infrastructure next year .
20 The new RSDG , he said , would provide a framework for Gabonese of diverse political persuasions to prepare for a multiparty system , in a period of " responsible development " which would " comprise a transitional period of apprenticeship " .
21 Police fought with students at Yaoundé University on April 2 , as they demanded the end of President Paul Biya 's rule and a national conference to prepare for political reform .
22 They decided at a meeting of the Labour group of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities in Dunblane yesterday to set up a working group to prepare for a referendum .
23 Hostilities in Europe ended on May 8 , and soon after the Squadron was informed that it would be going to the Far East as part of the ‘ Tiger Force ’ , and on June 16 Sugar went with the rest of the unit to Metheringham to prepare for the move .
24 If the SARU do not want to make the same mistake , they could organise a tour of South Africa by their proposed national team to prepare for the visits of New Zealand and Australia in August .
25 He went along to Diana 's breathing classes to prepare for the birth and was there by her side in the private Lindo Wing at St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington when William emerged after sixteen hours of labour .
26 The crushing of the Austrian Socialists in February 1934 by a Catholic government ideologically close to the CEDA merely served to convince many Socialists , already acutely aware of the fate suffered by their Italian and German comrades , of the need to prepare for the worst .
27 Their discussion of preparation for work recognises that in the economic conditions of the early 1980s ( which were evident in 1977 ) , there is a need to prepare for unemployment .
28 THE only passenger on the jet , who died with three crew , had hitched a flight home to Israel to prepare for her wedding .
29 Granting ourselves the time to speculate and dream of a world to come gives us a chance to prepare for and adapt to a future way of life .
30 Talking of which , Neighbours ' twins Gillian and Gayle Blakeney ( pictured above , although which is which is anyone 's guess ) in Liverpool to prepare for this year 's Empire panto , Dick Whittington , say they hope to have a single cut by Christmas .
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