Example sentences of "[noun] go by " in BNC.

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1 The addressing system remains the same , but the statistical profile of location contents changes as the centuries go by .
2 Its patterns change as the centuries go by , so this keeps evolution constantly in motion as it ‘ tracks ’ the changes .
3 But whereas mean annual rainfall will drift up and down , with no particular rhyme or reason , the average cheetah , as the centuries go by , will tend to become better equipped to catch gazelles than his ancestors were .
4 Kirsty added : ‘ Most people remember their weddings when they see a white Rolls go by .
5 A young giant working on the flower-beds along the drive straightened his long , lithe back to watch the car go by , without curiosity though with fixed , methodical attention , his senses turned outwards for relaxation while he took a breather .
6 It will be good to get to know you as the months go by , as we share our gifts together for the good of many and to the glory of God .
7 Most clubs , you have to go through a long rigmarole of being proposed and seconded and vouched for by other members and having your background scrutinised , and weeks and months go by before you 're elected .
8 As they danced , they noticed a carriage go by .
9 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
10 He let only a moment go by before filling a teaspoon full of caviar and feeding it to her .
11 As its days go by , we are left to imagine for ourselves Sarah 's anxiety .
12 As the days go by , the chances of my writing Soldier 's Tale seem to get stronger and stronger .
13 Count the number of steps you take and record them here so that you can measure your increased fitness as the days go by .
14 Few days go by without booksellers and auctioneers being offered , for instance , some imposing nineteenth century edition with brass clasps and bright chromolithographs ; or a ‘ very rare ’ Breeches Bible , the latter almost inevitably rather battered and with a number of pages torn or missing .
15 There are n't two days go by though when I do n't think of him , because there was a time when we 'd play tennis four or five times a year .
16 I was happy to let the pleasant sunny days go by .
17 ‘ My dear , how the days go by !
18 As the years go by , Ursula 's body becomes a bore , and she experiences a fear of ageing : ‘ I shall have to die fairly young , because I wo n't be able to live with the infirmities of old age . ’
19 So policies to cut gas output below the current level will imply a larger and larger reduction below projected levels as years go by .
20 We will teach it to have all beauty , we will teach it that love is the most beautiful thing , and never need wax cold , as years go by .
21 It may seem pessimistic , even morbid , to think about a child , parents , a partner or ourselves becoming more and more dependent as the years go by .
22 For most people this introduction took place in early childhood , and the failure is made manifest by the steady disillusionment which , all too often as the years go by and adulthood brings the inevitable struggle of innate common sense to prevail , leaves them either cynical and faithless , or constrained to join some form of sectarian cult .
23 For some I know this is simply not enough , but as the years go by I find that Chopin 's ultra-refined eloquence of utterance responds more readily to an unforced , more integrated style than the ferocious changeability that has been the very kernel of Chopin playing for the last twenty or thirty years .
24 It should be remembered , however , that all old people tend to become a little more self-centred as the years go by .
25 Even where deep affection remains unaltered , the gap between them often becomes a chasm as years go by .
26 But I 've been getting faster as the years go by .
27 The problems start as the years go by .
28 We can only assure you that , as the years go by , you 'll be more and more delighted you took it up .
29 But of course I think about him in a much different way as the years go by , and now I always smile when I think of him , because he made me laugh .
30 The years go by and the Collector undoubtedly felt , as many of us feel , that one uses up so many options , so much energy , simply in trying to find out what life is all about .
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