Example sentences of "[noun] the tories " in BNC.

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1 As the campaign enters the final furlong the Tories in the campaign team know they are no closer to finding a magic formula than they were at the outset .
2 Come the next election the Tories will not be in the state they 're in now .
3 In the 1950 election the Tories ' share of the vote recovered significantly , with Labour losing support among the middle classes of the southern suburbs in particular , although the Labour Party could still rely on enthusiastic working class support ( the turnout at the 1950 election was the highest ever ) .
4 Prior to the 1959 election the Tories carried out a highly expensive campaign , by previous standards , backed up by a business campaign against Labour nationalisation plans .
5 In the 1970 election the Tories received the votes of 33.2 per cent of the electorate ( as against 36.4 per cent for Labour in 1966 ) , and although this was enough to give them a safe parliamentary majority , it did not reflect massive and determined popular support for the ‘ Selsdon ’ programme of trade union reform plus ‘ rolling back of the frontiers of government ’ ( the promised direct tax cuts were popular , but that does not prove much ) .
6 Before the right hon. Gentleman issues a denial , will he confirm that before the previous election the Tories said that they would continue to pay child benefit as before — only to freeze it immediately for three years when they took office ?
7 He added : ‘ At the last election the Tories shouted from the rooftops that with them in power there would be no tax increase .
8 In Scotland , early results suggested it would not be the massacre the Tories had feared .
9 It is also a mark of the wavering course the Tories have pursued , hopping uncertainly from blue-rinsed stage set to matey bar stool to Mr Major 's rediscovered soapbox , but seldom pausing long enough to get across the gravity of their message .
10 Chancellor Norman Lamont was also slammed by the Labour leader for the damage the Tories ' ‘ heartless and mindless ’ policies had done .
11 Barclays de Zoete Wedd chief strategist Michael Hughes said : ‘ Even at this last hurdle the Tories have not broken through the magic 40 per cent barrier .
12 Based on that result the Tories will easily lose the by-election at Christchurch precipitated by the death on May 13th of Robert Adley .
13 As it had in 1945 , 1964 and 1974 , Labour would inherit the mess the Tories had left behind , he said , but , this time , with an historic mission to clean it up for good .
14 After another 13 years of getting the country into a mess the Tories tell us of all the good things they are going to do if re-elected .
15 In Aberdeen South the Tories went one better when Mr Raymond Robertson won the seat from Labour 's Frank Doran , regaining a seat the Conservatives lost in 1987 .
16 It is interesting , is n't it , that er I knew the road to Damascus was long , but I did n't realise it were that long cos on the second of July the Tories moved an amendment at P and R criticising us for spending money on the Lord Mayor 's car , but I 'm glad to see that you 've come back to the fold .
17 Ever since Maastricht the Tories have been wringing their hands over how best to restore their ‘ caring ’ image among the feminists they enraged by opting out of Europe 's Social Chapter .
18 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
19 Let it not be forgotten that in the years leading to the war the Tories were so scared of Russia that they missed the chance to establish a partnership which might well have prevented war .
20 If you look back to 1974 you 'll discover that our vote lifted at precisely the moment the Tories tried the same game .
21 But throughout our period the Tories retained an essentially authoritarian ideology .
22 But these days the Tories are an unusually twitchy lot .
23 ‘ The unemployed can not wait for the recovery the Tories are waiting for .
24 His power comes from being the union leader the Tories do not know how to cope with .
25 He 's probably the best leader the Tories never had .
26 Labour leader Coun John Williams accused Coun Richmond of hypocrisy and said in the past when Labour had debated South Africa the Tories had said it had no relevance for Darlington .
27 The only things the Tories did for me as a businessman was to empty a lot of factory space which made it easy to buy up .
28 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
30 In the event the Tories polled 37.8pc , SDP 32.08 and the lovely Lindi just 0.14 .
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