Example sentences of "[Wh pn] expect " in BNC.

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1 He did not hold staff meetings , and hardly consulted those who expected to be consulted , like the suffragan bishop or the archdeacons .
2 Clubs such as this were rather like workshops with the old pros as time-served tradesmen who expected the young apprentices to clean their boots and learn their trade .
3 His emphasis on a one-party state surprised many Zimbabwean political analysts , who expected the issue to be quietly forgotten .
4 They sprawled across the padded benches before him with the somewhat jaded air of men who expected to hear nothing new .
5 But I was comforted to discover that these highways are antiquities , built by some unfortunate landowner who expected a visit from the king .
6 Friends such as Edward Clodd , who expected Hardy to be relieved by her death in 1912 , found instead that he was overcome with remorse for neglecting one whom he had once loved so well .
7 It was typical of his thorough approach that after Arsenal won 7–1 at Wolverhampton , he spent nearly two hours at the team talk analysing what led up to Wolves ’ one goal , much to the dismay of the players , who expected only a brief meeting after such a handsome win .
8 Airships are not all that easily shot down , a disconcerting fact to pilots in the First World War who expected tracer to ignite hydrogen gas at once .
9 Those who expected to be met by family or friends were aware of the inconvenience the delay would be causing .
10 Those who expected a predictable finale to this unpredictable match got far more than they anticipated .
11 Of the courses that were specifically described as management training , 67% of them were carried out by libraries who expected an above average number of programmes for the coming year , who themselves comprised 27% of the sample .
12 Cecil Rhodes , whom no one thought of as retiring and who expected to be remembered for a thousand years , chose , it will be remembered , as his instrument to achieve the infinite expansion of the British empire a secret society .
13 Radio achieved its greatest impact when it related most clearly to the experiences of listeners , who expected it to reflect and comment on life as it was , give advice on difficult contemporary and age-old problems and make life more enjoyable by providing entertainment .
14 The switch has surprised Wembley , who expected a home game against Spain , and has disappointed the Spanish FA , who hoped they were being invited to London for only the second time in 20 years .
15 She did n't ask the question idly , but with the authority of one who expected to be kept informed of everything happening on the island .
16 But he wanted a nice girl who expected the ring .
17 But sterling 's recent weakness has disappointed those who expected it to rise sharply against the D-mark this year .
18 A shy and unpretentious woman , she was dominated by her husband , who expected her to organise his home life , act as his hostess , show a picture of domestic bliss to his constituency , listen to him rehearse his speeches , endure his frequent absences , cope with the bruised feelings of those he had insulted and be prepared to be woken up in the middle of the night to hear his account of his part in great events : ‘ Wake up and listen , what I 'm telling you is history ! ’
19 Failure of heirs , or the survival only of heiresses , was exploited by the king himself for the benefit of his own sons , who expected endowments and titles as befitted their rank and who by virtue of their birth played a leading part in aristocratic society .
20 He did not want anyone to get too close to him , especially after his years with Vivien , and there was a point at which he withdrew from those who expected too great an intimacy .
21 Those who expected the election to lead to a radical change in domestic policy certainly found the first two years of the Kennedy era disappointing .
22 Even rewards such as these were a shade oblique for those who expected a direct return upon money invested .
23 I was , after all , living with a man who was stealing from me , keeping part of his life secret from me , who expected me to adapt myself to his obsessive timekeeping .
24 Experimenters who expected their subjects to be brighter behaved differently towards the rats and thus affected the rats ' learning abilities .
25 I stood there , and I knew who waited , who expected .
26 ‘ Oh , Connie , ’ said Brian , as one who expected as much : he wanted to say that these characters of whom his stepdaughter spoke contributed nothing valuable to society , but was unprepared to defend the ethics and value of advertising in a market economy to a girl who was incapable of grasping the subtleties of an argument .
27 No doubt the clients he entertained here were people who expected the best .
28 The running started because of my father , he was the kind who expected results from his children .
29 The price of this pragmatism has been to disappoint those who expected radical changes after Independence .
30 His authoritative tone seemed to indicate the latter , giving the impression that here was a man who expected to be obeyed .
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