Example sentences of "[been] reading " in BNC.

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1 You say hello to her , you assume she has been reading your mail or listening in to your private telephone calls ( actually I never did either ) , and you tell her when you do not wish to be disturbed .
2 Having just been reading a bright-red leaflet we glance up to a plain , white wall — at which instant we see a green patch .
3 Moreover the novel takes up the remark to Katkov that the criminal ‘ himself morally demands ’ his punishment ( which on its own might mean no more than that Dostoevsky had been reading Hegel or popularized Hegel ) , and builds some marvellous effects upon it .
4 Anna Grigorevna had been reading Crime and Punishment in the magazine Russian Herald , and she thought she recognized the object ‘ which played such a big part in the Marmeladov family ’ .
5 Eliot , though , is determined , like the anthropological writers he had been reading , to make plain the root of the custom , which he does in the next line , ‘ And flowers of deflowered maids ’ .
6 Erika remembered the Watchword Omi had been reading on the day when Karl had come .
7 jack ’ , we discover , ‘ has been reading this epistle with a commentary but could get no help from it . ’
8 ‘ You 've been reading Jane 's magazines again . ’
9 Before he left for Lincoln College on 14 October '98 , Helen was peremptorily given a week 's notice by Mrs Andrews who had secretly been reading Edward 's letters and now accused Helen of ‘ illicit connexion ’ with him .
10 And for the past few months , I 've been reading Viz.
11 On the boat , I had been reading about the shooting of Fergal Caraher at the South Armagh checkpoint at Cullyhanna and now , in the darkness , as details of the story flooded back , I decided against pressing the buzzer .
12 Recently I have been reading the writings of Matthew Fox , a Dominican who is very popular for his creation spirituality and love of the environment .
13 I 've been reading about you .
14 Peregrine switched the wireless off , imitating the stilted tones of whoever had been reading the news .
15 I have been reading the last few pages and I think they are true and beautiful and just , recompense enough for the cold gloom of this untidy and lonely room .
16 During my travels round Ireland , I had been reading Sleeman 's Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Magistrate .
17 Ma'am , I have been reading my Bible and am left in no doubt that I have sinned and am paying the just penalty for sin and I repent strongly but to no avail as yet .
18 The others , I explained , could be anywhere , as everyone had been reading them .
19 I said I could see Victor was right , I had over-complicated the plot ; I should not have introduced the letters , which were paraphrases of a correspondence I 'd been reading on my journey to London .
20 The chairman , wearing a fawn sports jacket , said he apologised if he had ‘ caused any offence ’ , but said he was annoyed because Mr Loveluck-Edwards had been reading a novel in court .
21 At the end of this fourth volume , I am still not certain whether I have been reading about a great man , any more than I was at the end of the third volume , or the second , or the first .
22 But at least Holroyd leaves me in no doubt that I have been reading about a great phenomenon .
23 IF ONE had not been reading the newspapers , listening to the radio , watching television and , above all , paying attention to the opinion polls , the election results would have come as no surprise .
24 Like most defectors , Lyalin was suffering from delusions of grandeur and it was hard to judge whether he had been reading too much of Pincher 's material or books by Le Queux dating from the turn of the century .
25 The poem is a response to some book Leapor has been reading .
26 Kegan looked up from the paper he had been reading and looked a little hopefully at the faces in front of him .
27 talk to the teacher and each other about the books and stories they have been reading or listening to ;
28 read aloud to the class or teacher and talk about the books they have been reading ;
29 Vic knows what it is : a book entitled Enjoy Your Menopause , which one of Marjorie 's friends at the Weight Watchers ' club has lent her , and which she has been reading in bed , without much show of conviction , and falling asleep over , for the past week or two .
30 Robyn looks up from the copy of North and South from which she has been reading this passage , and surveys her audience with her cool , grey-green eyes .
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