Example sentences of "[been] told " in BNC.

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1 One of the things we had been told was to carry any valuables we had around with us so that they could n't go astray .
2 The Senate wants to merge us into University College and we 've been told we 'll have to get rid of some of our staff — it may all be very neat and tidy for the bureaucrats , but it 's going to be absolutely disastrous for some people .
3 I had applied to continue full-time research following my degree course , but this had been turned down by my chief officers ; however , I had been told that assistance for part-time study would almost certainly be approved in view of the national policy of encouraging officers to extend their educational qualifications .
4 In fact , the day before the I Love Lucy St Patrick 's Day , she 'd been told of a good job with the British Council in the Gilbert Islands .
5 Or so I had been told .
6 As she saw movement near the doors Eleanor said , ‘ I have been told that you in America enjoy such freedom that socialism is not needed .
7 Do not buy any materials until you have been told you can have a grant by the council , and once you have , keep any receipts .
8 ‘ I 've also been told a prolonged illness can start it and , of course , some dogs just have a weakness .
9 On the surface of his mind lies the contrast between a trivial though tormenting fear and a monstrous scheme ; and beneath that contrast appears a positive contradiction : for a few sentences earlier we have been told ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ .
10 The ‘ I ’ describing conversations he has n't direct access to , which he was n't present at , which he may not even have been told about and so may be inventing , is the ‘ character ’ Dostoevsky has turned himself into for the purpose of narrating the provincial chronicle .
11 I have been told the Chinese have a simple inexpensive instrument to trace extra low frequencies .
12 But in Eliot 's earlier sentences we have been told of Pound 's serving not ‘ art ’ , but artists ; of his being concerned that they should each realize his or her full potential , so that the level of accomplishment ( in ‘ letters ’ as well as ‘ art ’ ) should be raised all round .
13 She was just like me , she had been told that her prognosis was good and yet here she was four years later .
14 He said he had met the man , whose bona fides he had checked , in a Belfast hotel , and had been told his group held 64 separate documents relating to IRA suspects in the Irish Republic .
15 In the meantime , central and local authorities have been told to take ‘ immediate ’ steps to stamp out vandalism and sabotage on the railways .
16 Now they have been told to restore normal services ‘ without delay ’ , but no deadline is stipulated .
17 I feel an opting-out system would be probably less distressing to the donor 's relatives ( who may find an approach for donation insensitive when they have just been told of an — often — unexpected death ) .
18 They had been told their union was no longer recognised .
19 The court has been told that , minutes later and in daylight , Mrs Wilks , 22 , was abducted , then stabbed to death .
20 A SUFFOLK farmer trying to recover a hoard of Romano-British bronzes , which he claims were illicitly excavated from his land , has been told that the Office of Arts and Libraries can not help him , writes Geraldine Norman .
21 After all , he 's been told what 's going on , she has n't — and is almost driven to suicide by his mysterious silence , ’ she explains .
22 Really bloody-minded children , I have been told — the MPs of the future , perhaps — deduce from all this lavish praise that the faeces are something worth keeping , and refuse to perform on that basis .
23 Werner Kratschull , a pastor and dissident , said he had been told that East Berlin would crack down on the opposition ‘ in the Chinese manner ’ if there was trouble .
24 Lord Aldington was asked why the Yugoslavs had not been told their destination before repatriation .
25 Peter Williams , the Salford centre , has been told that the shoulder injury which has kept him out for much of this season will need at least another week to heal .
26 I 've been told he paid the widow money .
27 The EC ministers have been told that if they can not agree voluntarily on measures to ensure the harmonisation of the telecommunications industy some time early next year the European Commission will force them to do so .
28 The nuns , from the Our Lady of the Passion Monastery in Daventry , had been told that the food poisoning in nearby Bedworth had been caused by Salmonella enteriditis .
29 ‘ They say that it was a mistake that we had been told that the outbreak was due to Salmonella enteriditis , ’ she said .
30 She was found dead hours after walking out of the unit in a suicidal state after her family had been told it was secure .
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