Example sentences of "[been] called " in BNC.

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1 The unfriendly comment of Edgar Wind in Art and Anarchy was : ‘ What has optimistically been called a ‘ museum without walls ' ’ is in fact a museum on paper — a paper-world of art in which the epic oratory of Malraux proclaims , with the voice of a crier in the market place , that all art is composed in a single key , that huge monuments and small coins have the same plastic eloquence if transferred to the scale of the printed page , that a gouache can equal a fresco . ’
2 ‘ Making Their Mark ’ could equally well have been called a mixed exhibition ; but this is a term more often used for a show put on by an exhibiting society , that type of artists ' organisation whose importance in Europe was created by the middle classes , who sought in the eighteenth century to buy pictures rather than give commissions , as aristocratic patrons had been accustomed to do .
3 It is easy enough to analyse the formal characteristics of African sculpture in terms of vertical , horizontal or diagonal emphases ; of relative naturalism or abstraction ; of rounded , angular or cubic elements ; or in terms of tensions , rhythm and movement , and this is certainly an enjoyable and satisfying experience , since African sculptors have achieved a remarkable level of expression in what has been called ‘ purely sculptural ’ form .
4 He could well have been called a victim , and his book consigns itself , as Fraser 's does , to that large literature in which the sufferings of victims are recounted : but he does not see himself as a romantic orphan .
5 ‘ Ballerina ’ has been called ‘ the world 's most compact apple tree ’
6 The only situation in which a verbal protest is acceptable is when the wrong contestants have been called , or when an administrative error has clearly been made .
7 The period between 1939 to 1949 has been called the most productive and significant period in Canadian letters to date , which matches the ‘ 10 Lost Years ’ of the post-Depression period exactly .
8 It has been called ‘ Europe 's most successful consumer movement ’ .
9 But present-day theorists are likely to be dismissive of what has been called ‘ writers ' speculation about their art ’ , finding it impressionistic and unsystematic .
10 Yesterday not only were the Xhosas out in force , it seemed that a convention of the entire Mass Democratic Movement - essentially the exiled ANC 's internal representatives — had been called .
11 Jeff Probyn , the England and Wasps prop overlooked for the Lions tour , has been called up as his replacement .
12 Alun Evans , secretary of the Welsh football association who doubles up as chairman of the UAU committee , said : ‘ I was informed by the chairman of the UAU rugby committee that he was discussing the possible sponsorship of its championship and I received a copy of a proposal … it contained a number of features which were not acceptable to the union and it was therefore with great surprise that we learned a launch for the sponsorship had been called and it was decided that the union could not agree to this action . ’
13 The team have also been called for 11 holding penalties in the last two games .
14 The United States sent $65m ( £40m ) of military aid to Colombia , but this has been called inappropriate and is alleged to be more suitable for fighting Colombia 's left-wing guerrillas than the cocaine mafia .
15 ‘ I have been called many things by my political opponents , but I have just been given the kiss of death . ’
16 David White and Andy Hinchcliffe of Manchester City and Ipswich 's Jason Dozzell have been called in .
17 Mr Sisulu 's generosity and warmth did not waver during his time in the maximum security prison of Robben Island , where other inmates deferred to him as a charismatic senior statesman of what has been called ‘ the government-in-exile ’ .
18 The meeting had been called , in advance of the general monthly gathering , to investigate Yorkshire 's dismal record last season and to discuss a suggestion by the captain , Phil Carrick , that players born outside the county be recruited .
19 Another difficulty concerns the relations between politics and what has been called ‘ Black Macho ’ .
20 On overseas government expenditure Attlee fought a campaign with what has been called an ‘ impressive ’ ’ Little Englander' pragmatism' which , however , ran against the rocks of Bevin and the Chiefs of Staff .
21 An emergency meeting has been called for clubs leasing stretches of the Macclesfield Canal in a bid to find a solution to an increasing mink problem .
22 This ‘ inverted causation ’ as it has been called , which is a major element of Marxist theory , is to be found in the theory of Asiatic production , in that the subjects of the Asiatic despot are made to believe that they can live because of the blessing of the god-king , the true guardian and shepherd of the community , while really it is he who is living off them .
23 In this , Morgan foreshadows in a most amazing way the understanding of what have since been called ‘ acephalus lineage systems ’ .
24 Once , at Milan airport , we were herded to the gate and corralled in an area almost big enough for half of us , then shifted to a bus with six seats and standing room for forty , in which the one hundred and twenty of us stood and waited for the idiot who always arrives twenty minutes late despite having been called ten times and being the subject of an Interpol missing persons search .
25 ‘ Obedient servants ’ they have been called , and that for the most part is just what they were .
26 ‘ That 's what I 've been called , ’ she agrees : ‘ ambassador for the chimps . ’
27 He discovered that night , in what has been called his ‘ Luftwaffe ’ speech , that his was not a voice in the wilderness ; instead , he was speaking for the man on the Clapham omnibus .
28 Soldiers never like being asked to do somebody else 's dirty work , especially if they have been called off leave to do it , and are likely to be accused of strike breaking in the process .
29 He announced to cheers that he had written to Presidents Gorbachev and Bush seeking support for what has been called Prague 's polite revolution .
30 He announced to cheers that he had written to Presidents Gorbachev and Bush seeking support for what has been called Prague 's polite revolution .
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