Example sentences of "[num ord] week " in BNC.

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1 By the sixteenth week the male testes are in position for descent during the last two months of foetal existence and the vagina has fully formed in the female .
2 We immediately authorized a ballot and we are now in our sixteenth week of the strike .
3 During pregnancy , also , the mother 's heartbeat speeds up , reaching a maximum rate around the twenty-eighth week .
4 She was due on March the nineteenth , and had reached the twenty-eighth week of her pregnancy .
5 Until about the 32nd week , most babies are breech presentations ( bottom first ) , after which time the great majority somersault round with heads down .
6 If you have a very active job or tiring journey to work , give up at the statutory 29th week .
7 In the second week , the theme is THE SPORTING LIFE to link in with our Sport and TV conference event , taking place the mid-festival weekend .
8 First , Steffi admitted ‘ The women 's event does n't really start before the second week ’ after most of the top seeds had advanced for no more than the loss of a few games .
9 For the second week they 'll be whisked off to lively Barbados , where they will stay at the Discovery Bay Hotel on the fashionable West Coast of the island .
10 According to Noel Stock 's Life , Pound first met Binyon in the second week of February 1909 , and early in March he found ‘ intensely interesting ’ a lecture by Binyon on European and Oriental art , for which the lecturer had sent him a ticket .
11 For the second week in succession , Spurs ' dodgy defence had thrown away a 2-0 lead .
12 But in the second week television coverage of defence doubled to 12 per cent , and in the third week it doubled again to 26 per cent before almost disappearing from the bulletins in the fourth and fifth weeks .
13 But perceptions that the Alliance was running second in the polls collapsed in the second week ; and voters ' assessment of Alliance chances of winning a majority or even holding the balance of power dropped sharply in the third week ; while television 's sharp switch to focus on the two-Party Labour versus Conservative battle occurred in the fourth week .
14 However in this second week the mountains were beckoning .
15 The unions said that they were looking for the second week in January to begin an all-out stoppage .
16 If it does come , say the Swiss , it may not be until the second week in January .
17 By the second week , it looked as if it was going to catch on .
18 The start of our second week takes us to the Nappa Valley and the heart of California 's cheese and wine country .
19 During the second week our dieter will move on to her next set of goals .
20 Because they were already in successful careers they were able to learn fast and by the second week our Gofer teams were veteran roadies .
21 By chance , North 's testimony coincided with the Oscar nominations ; he was popularly nominated , and pranksters turned Hollywood 's hillside sign into ‘ Ollywood ’ in the second week of the hearings .
22 Lamont was given a lower profile for the second week — prompting a Neil Kinnock joke that he was only allowed out at night .
23 The result was Wobbly Week , the second week of the campaign .
24 Election Focus : Conservatives : Baptism of fire for the Brat Pack Dominic Loehnis and Valerie Elliott turn a spotlight on the pratfalls that dogged the fancy footwork choreographed by Smith Square for the second week of the election campaign
25 THERE is at least one satisfied customer as a result of the strike at Ireland 's four main banks , now into its second week .
26 It was now the second week in January and she had n't spoken to him since the night of the Christmas dance .
27 Later one of the gringos in the office told me that in the book of depositions , which began at the end of January , they were already ( in the second week of April ) at page 152 , with three entries per double page .
28 One night ( this was in the second week after he had arrived , and about nine or ten weeks before The Romance really began ) the man who had driven him away from the Bar had done so in a big , warm , expensive , deep-seated car .
29 In the second week of August , filled by an idealistic vision of their future lives on the banks of the Susquehannah , Coleridge and Southey set out from Bristol on a walking tour into Somerset .
30 His imaginative pulse quickened almost at once , and in the second week of May he was able to report.that no fewer than 1,500 lines of Osorio had been completed .
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