Example sentences of "[conj] produce " in BNC.

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1 Most current procedures for recording the electrical activity of the brain , or producing radiographic images of the living human brain , or investigating the accuracy and timing of behaviour are dependent on computing capacity which was not available twenty years ago .
2 However , the animals affect the plants , and the plants affect the soil ( for example , by providing protection against heavy rains , or by breaking up rocks with their roots , or producing acid which dissolves limestone ) ; and the plants also directly affect the climate ( for example by re-directing winds , or by transpiring soil moisture into the air ) .
3 At least 28 companies in the United Kingdom are developing or producing mains-signalling equipment .
4 The acquisition of grave-clothes did not need to wait until death , and many a young bride-to-be , especially in the more remote country areas , included such items in their trousseaus , either buying them ready-made from one of the known outlets , or having them made by a local seamstress , or producing them herself .
5 She spread a towel out on the sand and sat down but , disappointed and now frightened at her own temerity , Liza began to panic , scarcely noticing Celia when she came staggering towards her , dragging slimy bits of seaweed or producing pebbles and shells in her small fat hand .
6 They have created new capabilities for the production of widening ranges of goods and services without paying the cost penalties or producing variety in yesterday 's inflexible plants .
7 They argue that causation involves one event ( the cause ) generating or producing another event ( the effect ) , and that we can obtain direct knowledge about this causal generation : we do not have to infer causality on the basis of temporal priority .
8 It might mean getting one additional customer in the shop or producing one extra unit in the factory .
9 Anyone convicted of possession , supplying or producing drugs illegally could be imprisoned .
10 If the ‘ need ’ can be clearly justified on social grounds then there is a prima facie case for either altering the distribution of income ( if that would permit the need to be translated into monetary demand ) or producing the product for social non-commodity distribution ( which would presumably involve nationalisation of the enterprises concerned ) .
11 They lack the pre-press capabilities of high-end packages , but are ideal for outputting to colour printers , or producing greyscale images for lasers .
12 Allen 's attitude is playfully anarchic ; with a childlike spirit she gleefully undermines the serious , ‘ male ’ pose of the sculptor by knitting socks for her concrete sculpture , or producing what even she describes as ‘ grotesque object ’ .
13 Thus hearing a word , or producing it in response to an incomplete definition , will not prime visual word recognition .
14 According to the ideas outlined in Chapter 6 , the language processing system is made up of a number of information-processing modules , each responsible for a specific information-processing task ( such as recognising letters , for example , or producing spoken words ) .
15 Many successful businesses have been founded on the single item of information that no one is carrying out a particular service or producing a particular product .
16 A spreadsheet makes operations like totalling a column of numbers or producing a bar chart a straightforward operation — SuperCalc 5.5 makes them incredibly quick and easy due to the icons in its new Tool Bar .
17 The NFU plan aims to offer the farmer a choice between setting land aside and receiving the full , subsidised rate for produce , or producing at maximum capacity without support .
18 They denied that TM was addictive or produced ‘ spiritual trips ’ , or that it was viewed as a way of saving themselves by their own efforts .
19 The information needed , or produced , by each activity was also known , and could form the basis of the records to be held on any computer system .
20 Hormone replacement therapy consists of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone taken daily to help replace those lost or produced erratically at the menopause .
21 Customers who declined to pay cash across the counter with ‘ real ’ money , a cheque or by direct debit , or produced a bank credit card , found the price of their purchases greatly increased if they were a store card holder .
22 Having been primed by Draper back in the hotel room on who played or produced what , Branson would present himself with a box of tapes and play just one track by each artist ; enough to whet the appetite , but not so much as to test his customer 's patience — or indeed Branson 's own musical knowledge .
23 It was seen that the traditional system , in which the patients were at the bottom of a communication and status hierarchy and were denied autonomy or participation in the running of the institution , exacerbated the problems many patients had , or produced the characteristic ‘ institutionalization ’ which was to be deplored .
24 Four issues stand out as being of crucial importance : how many distinct ‘ modes of production ’ are there ; in what order do these modes of production succeed each other and how is their sequence to be explained ; what forms of society necessarily correspond with , arise from , or are determined by the different modes of production ; and lastly , what are the forms of state , or political systems , that are characteristic of , or produced by , different economic structures and forms of society ?
25 They may either be discouraged from having to care about the quantity or quality of what they produce , as their income will be guaranteed regardless or , conversely , they may be less concerned about the quality of the inputs they use , or the agricultural practices they employ , because they will be driven to compete on price in the market against imports dumped or produced to lower environmental standards If the EC demands higher environmental and animal husbandry standards than elsewhere , it must not export' its problems .
26 Thanks go to Kay Baxter , Rosemary Frost , Marlene McGee , Lucy Jackson and Lynne Thomas , who designed , or produced material for , the stall .
27 However , staying for a moment with hi-jacking , here we have a specialised form of the Breakthrough Phenomenon , which until the antidote is produced or produces itself , has quite startling pyrotechnic results , but collapses again as the antidote is devised .
28 The human system is geared to this acquisition , and even when what is learned appears to be maladaptive or produces negative traits , it derives from a natural process .
29 Sometimes Bentham is represented as having held a significantly different view from that just described , according to which an action which it is right for me to do at any moment is either one which produces a greater surplus of pleasure over pain than any alternative action then open to me ( in which case it is the one right action ) or produces as great a surplus as any alternative ( in which case it is a right action ) , while all actions not thus right are wrong .
30 A positive effect means that application of the electrode elicits some vocalisation whereas a negative effect either disrupts ongoing speech or produces an inability to vocalise or to use words properly .
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