Example sentences of "[adv] described " in BNC.

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1 The historian , Robert Currie , has justly described it as the ‘ architectural monument to Methodist ambitions at the beginning of the twentieth century ’ .
2 Since many associates who were not blood relations often assumed the surname but between them could muster only a limited number of Christian names , confusion was avoided by the bestowal of what we might call a nickname , or what has been more justly described as a ‘ toname ’ .
3 Mr Ingham , though officially an impartial civil servant and a one-time Labour Party candidate , is a staunch Thatcherite , sometimes justly described as the real Deputy Prime Minister .
4 But a great deal of the poems ' subject matter is justly described by Philip Larkin [ q.v. ] in a review of the Collected Poems : ‘ It was , variously , neurosis , insanity , disease , death , horror , terror . ’
5 It certainly is erotic , but is perhaps better described , following Eve Sedgwick , as homosocial desire , if only , in the first instance , to avoid the easy but questionable assumption that what we witness here is the irruption of repressed homosexual desire as conceived by Freud .
6 It is better described as a full day 's expedition , and those who undertake it need to be well-provisioned and should allow ample time to see the many natural attractions along the way .
7 It is not only a colour variety but also a more milky strain of the breed and there have been dairy herds of the beloved ‘ Belties ’ , though they would be better described as dual-purpose cattle .
8 To the extent , for example , that it exists in local government in the United Kingdom ( and to that extent , it is better described in terms of ‘ caucus ’ rather than ‘ cabinet ’ ) it is a very recent historical phenomenon indeed .
9 For every Cardinal Newman there are hundreds for whom such words might be better described as egotism or pig-headedness .
10 Such was the magnificent ineffability of the Resident , who functioned , if we are to judge by this account , in an atmosphere better described as one of brilliant improvization than of the sober pragmatism for which Indirect Rule was supposedly renowned .
11 Her breakdown can not be better described than in her own words : ‘ She saw , as she thought , devils opening their mouths all inflamed with burning waves of fire , as if they would have swallowed her in , sometimes ramping at her , sometimes threatening her … night and day , during the aforesaid time ’ .
12 Much of it is not new ; and it is perhaps better described as ‘ market economics ’ [ Brittan , 1975 ] .
13 Yet the relationship between the two statements is better described as recursive , rather than hierarchical .
14 Therefore , if we are to find out what linguistic variation means to in-group members and how it functions in the community , much more prior observation and analysis is needed than would be required for better described varieties .
15 Although some of these community norms that we have mentioned above may be recognized by outsiders as regional or social markers , many others are better described as internal : they mark social differences inside the community .
16 Although there are differences in the method of removal favoured by different surgeons ( Goodall , 1957 ) , it is usual to spare as much of the thalamus , basal ganglia and hippocampal cortex as possible and for this reason Austin and Grant ( 1955 ) , among others , have pointed out that the operation might be better described as hemi-decortication , reserving the term hemispherectomy for those cases in which subcortical structures are also destroyed .
17 One of the questions which must be answered is whether these do indeed show the predominant influence of Jamaican Creole or whether they are better described in terms of some other variety .
18 My own feeling is that we at least need to start where the children feel most comfortable , and then to introduce elements which are better described as mythic rather than fantastic ; that is , to dramatise or create stories which contain imagery and symbolism which are likely to excite the children , and yet which they can relate to their own lives .
19 So professors of jurisprudence teach their students that legal realism was an unnecessary exaggeration of facts about legal practice better described in a less heated way .
20 So far I have only described what might be termed the ‘ normal ’ , or perhaps ‘ regular ’ , inspectors , concerned as they are with the operational and engineering aspects of the job .
21 The conclusion derived from this is that if an object is such that in principle it can not be referred to directly and unequivocally with a simple symbol , only described , then it can not qualify as a fundamental ontological existent .
22 The only described white man is a police man from Brooklyn who works with his black partner to try and extract information from a black boy , Imamu , after the daughter of the family he is living with goes missing .
23 The Praemium Imperiale , one of the largest awards to artists and boastfully described by its Japanese initiators as ‘ the Nobel Prize of the arts ’ , is very much a cynic 's hoot .
24 The X-ray Tomoscan has been authoritatively described as the greatest advance in radiology since its inception .
25 The jetty in the centre of Funchal ( long described as part of the ‘ Entrance to the City ’ ) was begun in 1843 , but then neglected so that it was almost destroyed by the waves .
26 Long described as a dying breed , and now just about stone dead , we 'll have more of their all round number in about 15 paragraphs from now .
27 Money was short in the party by 1921 because there had been no proper revival since the war ; members were constantly described as apathetic , and were in no mood to give their time or their money to a party that did not know where it was going .
28 The production of single words is easily enough described in the context of the information-processing model developed in Chapter 6 .
29 Strictly speaking , this alternative ‘ mental ’ element is not a mens rea requirement at all , although it is properly enough described as a fault element .
30 She resembles closely the ‘ buxom Welsh cousin named Florence , who was probably eight or nine years my senior ’ , so described in The Childhood , with whom he spent ‘ the most blissful hours ’ in country walks from his grandmother 's Swindon home to Shaw or Lydiard when he was ten or eleven .
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