Example sentences of "[adv] understand " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , some of the colleges have felt that the Council is dominated by the polytechnics and , as a result , neither wholly understands the rather different outlook of the colleges and institutes nor entirely sympathizes with their aspirations .
2 But if there is no more than that the creditor , in an attempt to satisfy itself that the surety properly understands the proposed transaction and that the transaction will not subsequently be impeachable , offers an explanation of the transaction and of the security document , I do not think that the creditor should be taken to have assumed a tortious duty of care .
3 He was most understanding about the needs of our party .
4 Betty smiled in an irritatingly understanding way .
5 Blushing and slowly understanding , Alexandra laid down her spoon .
6 Now he has had a chance to work with them and perhaps better understands the intricacies of their job .
7 An X/Open spokesman said COSE now better understands the task , resources and overall timeframe .
8 An X/Open spokesman said that COSE now better understands the task , resources and overall timeframe .
9 They were not always fair in their criticism : few today would agree with the New Statesman reviewer who wrote of The Lady Vanishes that ‘ the English should leave amorous wisecracking to the nation which invented and alone understands that art . ’
10 A £1,000 talking computer stolen from an electronics firm in Milton Keynes , Bucks , only understands Japanese .
11 A computer only understands numbers , In order to deal with characters , each character is assigned a code number .
12 Small wonder then , that real friendship for them comes from someone who deep down understands what this involves .
13 Mary obviously understands the message of the angel to mean that she will conceive a child immediately , for she points out that she is unmarried .
14 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
15 If undue influence in the full sense is not made out but the element of pressure , surprise , misrepresentation or some or one of them combine with or cause a misunderstanding or failure to understand the documents or transaction , the final question must be whether the grounds upon which the creditor believed that the document was fairly obtained and executed by a woman sufficiently understanding its purport and effect were such that it would be inequitable to fix the creditor with the consequences of the husband 's improper or unfair dealing with his wife .
16 ‘ the final question [ is ] whether the grounds upon which the creditor believed the document was fairly obtained and executed by a woman sufficiently understanding its purport and effect were such that it would be inequitable to fix the creditor with the consequences of the husband 's improper and unfair dealing with his wife .
17 Signs of every one of these developments exist , but there is neither a clear trend nor much understanding as to what each entails .
18 He could be warmly understanding and sympathetic , as I knew , when dealing with a friend 's problems ; but , for that very reason , a catalogue in mediocre verse of a stranger 's supposed education sentimentale was something he found thoroughly distasteful .
19 Then she followed his gaze to the wine glasses , suddenly understanding what he was thinking .
20 Maria inserted tempestuously , suddenly understanding that much quite instinctively .
21 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
22 While on his own home ground he knows how to do things , or how to get them done , beyond the boundaries of his home ground he knows , at best , only that he should comply with the rules without necessarily understanding why or precisely what all of the relevant rules are : he may simply go through the motions .
23 The term expert is used here to denote a person who knows how to perform an activity without necessarily understanding why his methods work .
24 She is the stunning young beauty dripping red lipstick and he is the wayward , womanising , ageing sophisticate with a young son and terribly understanding wife .
25 Anselm appears to argue that merely understanding what is meant by the word God makes it clear that God exists .
26 ‘ If we think back to what I said earlier , perhaps understanding as such would be disabling rather than helpful .
27 The student went on to say that , though he had received help for a specific question , he had not obtained enough understanding to cope with his future library problems .
28 Then , in an extremely understanding voice , he said , " Well , I never did !
29 It welds together understanding ( Matt.
30 when when you do that , and obviously the need to gauge the erm presentation against audience contact to see that they 're involved and they 're obviously understanding what you 're saying and pick them up and grab them .
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