Example sentences of "[art] difference " in BNC.

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1 This can make all the difference to someone who feels unsafe alone at home or to partners or friends .
2 That help makes all the difference to people sick with AIDS who want to stay at home , rather than spend time unnecessarily in hospital .
3 The article appeared in an Italian magazine Metro , who had intended to pay $300 for an article ; but when Johns ' dealer , Leo Castelli , knew that Steinberg was considering an article , he arranged for the magazine to offer $1,000 , paying the difference of $700 himself .
4 Its narrator and chief human presence is by no means straightforwardly a victim , and the difference between oppressor and oppressed can be hard to identify .
5 It is possible to imagine that for some people such consolation might make it easier to reconcile the two , and to wonder what it was that made the difference in Fraser 's case .
6 The difference yields a political meaning , in other words , and it would also appear to relate to the old theory of the difference between an author who tells and an author who shows , and who employs a medley of voices in order to do so .
7 The difference yields a political meaning , in other words , and it would also appear to relate to the old theory of the difference between an author who tells and an author who shows , and who employs a medley of voices in order to do so .
8 No one would lightly believe that either of them has ever found it hard to tell the difference between himself and somebody else .
9 Levi , the expert on metals , would have had no difficulty in telling the difference between gold and tin .
10 Perhaps that is the difference , wrote Harsnet , between me and someone like Goldberg , for all his energy and ambition .
11 The difference is that I knew what I wanted and he did not .
12 That is the difference , he wrote , between me and Goldberg , me and McGrindle and the rest .
13 The difference being that I have been fortunate to find a career that I love and , what is more , get paid reasonably for it .
14 ‘ Users must also be encouraged to recognise the difference between a reception problem and a computer problem .
15 Unfortunately , the equally essential but less tangible skills which make the difference between the ordinary and superlative restaurant manager can hardly be judged in the short period of a competition .
16 The difference between the French and English approaches to making mustard , technology apart , has not changed for a century .
17 The difference between most ARC members and professional chefs , male or female , is that the former have not been through ‘ the system ’ .
18 I went to see them about this but they told me it was up to the social security people to make up the difference .
19 Pot-growing and planting in good soil near sea level made all the difference .
20 Some companies make lifts that fit on to curved stairways or have automatic platforms that bridge the difference between the two steps at a platform landing .
21 I was then asked : ‘ what 's the difference between a law course at polytechnic and at the university ? ’
22 You will soon notice the difference if you make a sudden switch between the two .
23 Or if not then perhaps later as his mother — always self-conscious as to the difference between herself and her more Westernised sisters-in-law gave vent to the feelings of inadequacy they unconsciously inspired ?
24 What , after all , is the difference between a priest acting in the highest sense of his vocation , or a prophet compelled into declamation , or such a saint ( even unknowing ) , opening himself up to the mercies of God , becoming a channel for them to the world ?
25 It is this difference of way which constitutes the difference of ‘ feel ’ in their experience .
26 It might be interpreted as saying that V has a mode of access to his own brain different from any modes of access to V 's brain available to BS ; or that V has a different mode of access to the external world , and that this constitutes the difference between him and BS .
27 One can then choose to say either that it constitutes the difference by virtue of having a particular internal ‘ feel ’ associated with it , or that it is itself the difference , simpliciter .
28 One can then choose to say either that it constitutes the difference by virtue of having a particular internal ‘ feel ’ associated with it , or that it is itself the difference , simpliciter .
29 The second response , that the difference consists solely and simply in a mode of knowledge of the external world , without invoking any internal and introspectible ‘ feel ’ , requires one to explain perceptual experiences with different modes of access without reference to a subjective component .
30 What I can say , however , is that the constructivist position allows a distinctive analysis of the ‘ mental ’ when we speak of a ‘ mental representation of a green patch ’ : it helps us to understand the difference between mental representations and the non-mental variety ( a photograph for example ) .
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