Example sentences of "[art] whole " in BNC.

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1 In the experience of ACET staff and volunteers , practical care in the home not only benefits the HIV infected individual but the whole family , which can often mean three generations .
2 In some cases of ‘ disappearance ’ the whole family is held responsible for the ‘ crime ’ of one of its members .
3 It is here that the Germans have done so much pioneer work , and indeed the whole tendency of their art historical studies has been to regard works of art almost entirely from a chronological point of view , as coefficients of a time sequence , without reference to their aesthetic significance .
4 The whole surface of the sea included in the picture is divided into two ridges of enormous swell , not high , not local , but a low broad heaving of the whole ocean , like the lifting of its bosom by deep-drawn breath after the torture of the storm .
5 The whole surface of the sea included in the picture is divided into two ridges of enormous swell , not high , not local , but a low broad heaving of the whole ocean , like the lifting of its bosom by deep-drawn breath after the torture of the storm .
6 Its daring conception , ideal in the highest sense of the word , is based on the purest truth , and wrought out with the concentrated knowledge of a life , its colour is almost perfect , not one false or morbid hue in any part or line , and so modulated that every square inch of canvas is a perfect composition ; its drawing is as accurate as fearless ; the ship buoyant , bending , and full of motion ; its tones as true as they are wonderful ; and the whole picture dedicated to the most sublime of subjects and impressions … the power , majesty and deathfulness of the open , deep , illimitable sea .
7 For if it is a Deceit , the whole Bible is Madness .
8 Every line is different — every line is stupid — and the whole character has changed .
9 Battle , Murder , and Death , Venuses and Psyches , the bloody and voluptuous , are the things in which they seem to delight : and these are portrayed in a cold , hard , and often tawdry style , with an almost universal deficiency of chiaroscuro ; the whole artificial , labored and theatrical .
10 There may be readers who object that the novel makes a mystique of darkness and futility in the course of saying that the whole island is peripheral , arrested .
11 It might appear that the whole life of the later novel is in its sting , but there is more to it than sting .
12 By the end of the novel Jaromil has forsworn his artist friend , who is under the ban of the regime and compelled to paint by candlelight : ‘ The whole world of his pictures has been dead for years .
13 Foreign statesmen revere an oil-rich omnipotence : ‘ Now the whole world was at his feet .
14 I 'll tell you the whole truth , ’ I answered the Princess .
15 The whole Western idea of mental health runs in precisely the opposite direction : what is desirable is congruity between your self-consciousness and your natural being .
16 The first piece of advice that 's necessary is that you should n't just try to be fashionable by choosing juicy speeches that catch your eye without knowing the whole play and having a working idea of how to perform the speech .
17 Stage nerves are unlike anything else in the whole world , and many good actors will confess to them right through their careers .
18 He tosses up the Clothes with a barbarous swing over his Shoulders , disorders the whole Economy of my Bed , leaves me half naked , and my whole Night 's Comfort is the tuneable Serenade of that wakeful Nightingale , his Nose .
19 This thing here , which looks like a wooden club , is actually several pieces of particular wood cunningly put together in a certain way so that the whole thing is sprung , like a dance floor .
20 It is possible , though , that in the early stages of training you may feel that all your creative skill is being stripped from you , and that the whole system is ganging up on you .
21 Read newspapers , and do n't assume that the whole world is as interested in acting as you are .
22 The whole thorny question of Equity membership is linked with the step from drama school to agent 's office — and indeed applies equally at the audition for the first job .
23 Doing Ophelia on stage before taking up the BBC contract meant that I went there with a little track record — I 'd been blooded , if you like , and it made the whole thing a lot better .
24 I knew I would n't play her as a wimp and the whole audition was based on the speech where she goes mad — the flowers , rosemary for remembrance and the whole bit .
25 I knew I would n't play her as a wimp and the whole audition was based on the speech where she goes mad — the flowers , rosemary for remembrance and the whole bit .
26 Perhaps some of the voice teaching was repetitive in the second term , but when there was a change in voice tutor who developed pieces of your own choice rather than just vocal exercises the whole thing came alive and interesting .
27 Again , there were difficulties with Equity when I was selected and the whole thing had to go to arbitration because the company stood out for the casting it wanted .
28 I think the whole thing of being a student over three years — the camaraderie if you like , is vital .
29 Perhaps the most revealing aspect of the whole affair is the way Dr Browne handled it .
30 Some of the larger schools , however , are comprehensives , taking in the whole range of abilities , and are government funded for their current expenditure .
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