Example sentences of "[art] centre " in BNC.

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1 The automobile has turned the city inside out , ranging new communities around the periphery and letting the centre rot : not far from the centre is an old slum district where the gangs operate .
2 The automobile has turned the city inside out , ranging new communities around the periphery and letting the centre rot : not far from the centre is an old slum district where the gangs operate .
3 The importance of conversion to Christ and subsequent pursuit of the way of perfection was the centre .
4 The issues of freedom of conscience and freedom from Roman hegemony lie at the centre of Northern Ireland fundamentalism and are meshed in with its evangelical tenets .
5 There is also strong central support from Rome which places catholic education at the centre of its cultural catholicism ideal .
6 Danger of doing something irrevocable and wrong because initial impetus lost and clue that will lead me to the centre not yet found .
7 At the Greenwich Meridian : Every single spot on earth is the centre , that 's what I 've always tried to say in my music .
8 The tavern was a meeting place , usually in the centre of the town or village , where wine was normally served .
9 Given their prime location in the centre of towns and on major thoroughfares , Georgian coaching inns are frequently prime targets for refurbishment .
10 Shaw 's Tabard Inn formed part of the Bedford Park Garden Suburb , a speculative development in the new ‘ Queen Anne Style ’ ; The Tabard , set at the centre of the development , forms part of the ‘ Village Street ’ opposite the Church of St. Michael and All Angels .
11 The centre , which will also offer short courses for industry , boasts £7,000-worth of state-of-the-art , mobile equipment including a steamer , duck oven and water-cooled , four-wok burner .
12 The centre was christened in July with an adult education summer school and a series of master classes aimed at the professional caterer and taught by Jermey 's Shanghai Institute of Tourism counterpart chef Xu Zhengcai , on his first visit to Britain , and Professor Dai Xin-Huan , his colleague and interpreter .
13 Her husband had always been the centre of attention wherever he went — large , handsome , charming : a vote-getter by trade and inclination .
14 A lot of them were pretending not to , but somehow she was the centre of an invisible circle .
15 Trust Claire to act as if she were the centre of attention .
16 The centre is located in beautiful parkland and has a bar , cafe and free parking .
17 There is limited access to the rest of the Centre 's facilities .
19 The second one I visited was the centre on Edgware Road .
20 Long-lasting flowers appear in spring , their green-tinged , white petals gradually shading th bright yellow towards the centre .
21 With a runway it is often possible to use the centre line and a selected spot .
22 Then , when I really insisted that they keep right on the centre line , they found they could do it if they tried hard .
23 You must develop the ability to find the centre of an area of lift quickly instead of losing it , and you can not have too much practice and experience .
24 You should fix the smoke alarm on the ceiling in the centre if possible , but at least 30cm 12 inches from any wall or light fitting .
25 It therefore creates something of a paradox which ensures that those who make a marginal move are inevitably referred back ‘ to the centre ’ , as being the realm of ‘ real policing ’ .
26 This restraint expected in police hair was clearly illustrated in a large poster exhibited in the Northumbria police training department in the early 1980s , which ordered : ‘ male hair will be clear of the collar … [ and ] sideburns will not extend below the centre of the ear … ’ .
27 In all the legends or tales of the journey to individuation and knowledge , the liminal mover always returns to the centre and is reconstituted into structure .
28 Her hand spiralled against Lucy 's clitoris , goddamn the useless WORD for the centre of desire .
29 Defeat entered him like a heart attack , stunning the centre of his system .
30 Perhaps more than any other man in Canada , he has put poetry on the map — at the centre , indeed ; and fought and argued and worked demoniacally to preserve it there .
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