Example sentences of "[prep] date " in BNC.

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1 They open with a declaration based on two promissory notes made on 1 January 1832 by the defendant , John Revill the younger , promising to pay £110.13s.4d. 25 months after date and £56.13s.8d. 31 months after date .
2 They open with a declaration based on two promissory notes made on 1 January 1832 by the defendant , John Revill the younger , promising to pay £110.13s.4d. 25 months after date and £56.13s.8d. 31 months after date .
3 Which mortgage can not be held responsible for any out date of information that may have occurred due to changes taking place after the editorial deadline .
4 The slogan of blinkered professors and dull art critics , who , as always , are a couple of hundred years out of date .
5 Last year 's leaflet is out of date , please order copies of the new one from Distribution Services .
6 Yesterday Mr Kinnock presented a picture of a world changing so rapidly around the present government that the Prime Minister had become ‘ out of touch , out of date and out of step with the British people ’ .
7 It was in the context of what Mr Kinnock presented as her increasing isolationism within this changing world that he pressed the charge that she was ‘ out of touch , out of date and out of step ’ .
8 A stance which was appropriate for the Age of Brezhnev and Galtieri now seems out of date and out of touch with the spirit of the times .
9 ‘ She is out of touch , out of date and out of step with the British people .
10 In this , I think he is out of date .
11 In the new battle against inflation , the old claim that there is no alternative has started to sound out of date .
12 At Brighton last week Mr Kinnock had portrayed her as an anachronism as the Nineties dawned , ‘ out of step , out of touch , out of date ’ .
13 Having never had to face a situation of wholesale redundancies in the past , ICI 's policies for dealing with them were out of date and inadequate .
14 The pace of change varied according to the region so that a building layout considered out of date in one area might still be fashionable in another .
15 But in even-handedly denouncing ardent Europhiles and Europhobes as ‘ superannuated Sumo wrestlers ’ he was , in effect , accusing Downing Street of being out of date — even on worker participation in industry and the Social Charter .
16 Payments were set by the Warsaw Convention , which , executive director Geoffrey Lipman complains , is 60 years out of date , although the protection guidelines are still valid .
17 Mr Stepan 's references to ‘ criminalised elements taking advantage of a destabilised situation ’ , like Mr Jakes 's references to ‘ ruthless manipulators ’ sound oddly out of date .
18 Mr Stepan 's references to ‘ criminalised elements taking advantage of a destabilised situation , ’ like Mr Jakes 's references to ‘ ruthless manipulators ’ sound oddly out of date .
19 But some councils have returned forms claiming 110 per cent registration , indicating how out of date are some Office of Population Censuses and Surveys estimates of population .
20 Just when they were about to ask Brussels to impose the fruits of their labour as the official standard for European direct-broadcast satellites , someone at the French foreign ministry leaked a report which argues that their technology , called D2 MAC , is already out of date .
21 This was true once , but is now out of date — about seven years out of date , in fact .
22 This was true once , but is now out of date — about seven years out of date , in fact .
23 It was easy to see that in reality the tables were old and stained with coffee rings , the seats cheap and plastic , the magazines tatty and two years out of date , and the strange , tropical foliage too glossily green and perfect not to be artificial .
24 The elementary school buildings are out of date and some are insanitary … .
25 Internment , introduced in August , was intended to take leaders of the IRA out of circulation , but the information on which arrests were made was often out of date or just plain mistaken .
26 He compiled a chronicle of world history , fitting together the calculations of Greek chroniclers with the indications of date found in the Bible .
27 ‘ The editor thought it was now a bit out of date . ’
28 He had to deal with what it had become ; out of date , out of touch and dangerous .
29 Labour and the Liberal Democrats appear to accept without question the view that our constitution is absurdly out of date .
30 If New Yorkers notice it at all , few have any idea that it is 1,500 years old , and many would be deeply shocked if they knew , reckoning that anything over 20 years old must be dirty and out of date .
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