Example sentences of "[prep] months " in BNC.

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1 The most common policy offers combined accident , sickness and unemployment cover for periods ranging between months and three years .
2 His standing at the dispatch box stays high , but rarely did he intervene during months of Maastricht debate .
3 He hopes during months of negotiations to come , the Government will give Gloucestershire permission to spend more .
4 SmartFill , which automatically populates a category with commonly used data series , such as months , dates , numbers , letters and series
5 Many are held for months or years in administrative or pretrial detention , usually incommunicado .
6 After all , we have been reaping rewards from the vegetable garden for months : the soil ca n't go on and on providing if its own storehouse is not replenished .
7 Trim them back , dead-head regularly and bring in before the first frosts and you should have flowers for months to come
8 A flat or burst tyre can mean no flying for months !
9 She unlocked the next room which had stood empty for months .
10 I just worry , as usual , that I shall be mopping you up for months to come . ’
11 But needed some kind of help : she 'd spoken about it for months before and was utterly thrilled when Jay drawled an interest .
12 She 'd given more time to thinking about Lucy than anything else for months .
13 London had been grit grey for months , and Jay fought the sunless skies with the blade of keen memory .
14 In November 1959 he found himself back in Montreal , ‘ to renew his neurotic affiliations ’ as he was to repeat endlessly to journalists ; meeting his friends and family , sometimes bumping into his uncles who would take him for expensive meals at top restaurants — such as the Ritz — and hotels ; and generally awakening and reawakening those impulses and memories which would fire his imagination and energise his mind for months to come .
15 The company , which owns Spear & Jackson , the garden tools manufacturer , has been the subject of recurrent speculation for months , and it was fuelled last month when Neill announced a fall in pre-tax profits from £2.71m to just £28,000 in the first half .
16 Airline stocks , which have been surging for months on a series of high-stakes takeovers , declined after one potential target , US Air , declared lower than expected earnings .
17 Their leader , Peter Bancroft , 36 , said : ‘ We have been struggling with British Rail 's shortage of drivers for months and have christened our regular train home the ghost train . ’
18 IT HAS BEEN in the air for months : Charles Saatchi , according to New York 's uniquely garrulous and paranoid clan of dealers and artists , is selling , and he is selling in a big way .
19 It can be speculated that the informants recruited in Operation Ward may have been known to the IRA for months or even years .
20 Railway workers had gone without pay , proper food , and clothes for months .
21 Often there are letters in the papers from parents who have sent off for T-shirts and pictures from a band 's fan club , only to have their cheque cashed and to receive nothing for months .
22 Maggie had known , for months , that something was wrong with Rachel .
23 Of all the community services on offer , he had chosen the coastguards , which involved nights spent quietly in a hut on the cliff tops watching for shipping ; and the hardest part of all the trials he endured in the Navy was being marooned on a ship for months on end with no opportunity to be alone .
24 The idea of being marooned at Balmoral for months on end is her vision of purgatory .
25 In this way exhibitors were forced to fill up their screens for months ahead with pictures they had never seen .
26 She described how she walked around for months ‘ with a pain , almost a physical pain , in my heart ’ ; of how she avoided friends and pulled her hat over her face if she met them in the street ; of how , at last , she knew she must express her thousand emotions about her little grandchild in the way she knew best , in clay .
27 Mrs Taylor said she had been urging the Government for months to make public a report by Mr Ponsford confirming the morale problems .
28 The reason for the payments was ‘ not the fecklessness , gullibility or incompetence of the small investor , but the fecklessness , gullibility and incompetence of the Government , which for months and for years ignored all warnings ’ .
29 He said it was not the small investor but the ‘ fecklessness , gullibility , and incompetence of the Government , which for months and for years , ignored all the warnings .
30 The elusive creature may be successfully trailed for a time , then disappear for months and even years .
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