Example sentences of "[prep] about " in BNC.

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1 After about half an hour , Jane reappeared .
2 After about an hour when the pies and chips have stopped flying across the screen I notice a strange purple growth , like a cancer cell under a microscope , at the bottom left hand corner of the screen .
3 Had the National Government stuck to its professed intentions and dissolved , after about six weeks , into its component parts , with the ensuing general election bring fought by the parties , the political landscape might not have been changed as much as in fact it was .
4 ‘ Now that I 've eaten and drunk my fill it 's time for me to beat away , ’ he said after about an hour .
5 A girl from one of the other teams — for all of us had assembled by now — asked him for the time and briefly discussed the weather with him and when , after about 15 minutes , he struck off purposefully around a nearby playing field , he had a tail of 14 people — the entire membership of all four spy teams — determined not to lose their quarry .
6 With a slight wiggle of the hips he could get his pants to descend below his buttocks after about twenty steps .
7 After about 20 years of critical success which rarely translated into public acclaim , his new novel , Affliction ( Picador , £12.95 ) , has hit big in the US .
8 He took a call from an Israeli ( real secret-agent stuff , this ) , and they slipped into code , Reynolds thought , after about ten minutes :
9 It 's Sunderland , and after about a hundred and twenty years under the sea , the lustre 's still lustrous ! ’
10 But after about twenty paces , when she had forgotten that he might still be looking , the shoulders drooped , her footsteps slackened , and she walked like someone in a dream .
11 After about twenty stamps , he gives a big sigh , pours out a glass of wine , downs it in one , swings his great leg out of the window and off he goes . ’
12 After about 10 laps , he seemed to play a game with me .
13 Steroids , which attack the root of asthma , are widely recommended by doctors but they also have side effects and take effect only after about a week .
14 After about half an hour 's unsteady plodding along the sand , leaving dinosaur hoofprints and a small steaming roundabout in the middle of the beach , my buffalo turned back for home , slotted a few heads of corn into his cheeks by the way of reward and let me dismount .
15 After about a week , I noticed the vehicle had settled about 15mm more on the off-side — noticeable on a level surface .
16 At last , after about twenty minutes ' wandering , her feet soaking wet inside her leaking boots , and her leg muscles aching from wading through the snow , she arrived at the car park outside the administration block , and found her car .
17 Wood cutting boards will survive for a period but tend to crack after about a year of continuous washing .
18 After about two hours flying over the sea , they swung in over the coast and were given a welcoming burst of anti-aircraft fire .
19 After about four and a half hours of driving , Sadler calculated that they were one mile away from the target , although there was absolutely nothing to see .
20 The most usual mode of transmission of type I herpes is kissing , and following exposure a susceptible individual will develop a crop of blisters ( vesicles ) on the lips after about four days .
21 After about four to six weeks , when the temperature has dropped to about 4l°C , the heap should be turned , when a further surge of bacterial activity and a second heating will take place , causing further breakdown of the vegetable matter .
22 After about twenty minutes , walking and fishing , she realised that she was hopelessly lost .
23 But from the Han time onwards , that is after about 200 BC , the inflow type predominated .
24 From that time on he improved in leaps and bounds and eventually , after about seven months , I started gingerly walking him around the small paddock next to his box with a bridle and a lunge rein threaded through his bit and over his head .
25 This regular pattern only continues for a short time , and after about eight hours , the embryo is a blastula comprising a hollow ball of about 1000 cells .
26 After about 100,000 years or so , the needle of the compass would abruptly become unstable and then swing round to face in the opposite direction , so that what was once compass north would become compass south , and vice versa .
27 Many children are taken from school after about five years because of economic or family problems .
28 These may be ‘ harvested ’ after about 60 80 years .
29 There was little improvement in the diaphragm 's sensitivity after about 1906 , but better manufacturing techniques ( resulting in less surface noise ) and better gramophones ( with greater efficiency ) meant that by 1920 classical pianists could be recorded playing relatively unmodified grand pianos .
30 In 1977 , J. Ekstrand demonstrated that when a healthy adult male weighing 60 kg swallowed 10 milligrams of fluoride , the levels of ionic fluoride in his blood peaked after about an hour to just over 0–4 ppm per kg of body weight ( European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , vol 12 , p 311 ) .
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