Example sentences of "[prep] himself " in BNC.

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1 He let a dignified minute pass before going out himself , collecting Catherine , and dispatching Bruce to supervise the house-to-house interviews in Malplaquet Terrace , to see if anyone could be found who had seen the blue BMW arrive or caught sight of its driver .
2 When he drank , he grew miserable and would throw every living creature out of the house , wife , children , dog and pigeons , and then rush out himself to Powis Square .
3 He keeps his liquor just on the other side of the room , but catch him actually dishing it out himself .
4 He 'll have it out himself with the Venetians . ’
5 Because a client can not pay you , you ca n't say you wo n't act for him , you ca n't tell him to go and sort the Inland Revenue out himself .
6 He wants the man he sees as responsible for Peggy 's death to suffer as much as possible before he takes Stone out himself .
7 If he did n't understand something , he was reluctant to stand up and ask , instead he 'd worry it out himself , sometimes I reckoned he 'd been at it all night .
8 He then produced the £15 and counted it out himself on the corner of the table , not letting the chairman or anyone else do so .
9 He 'll get that in time to move out himself if he 's on the level , too late to do you any harm if he 's not . ’
10 He found out himself because he read the note Barbara asked him to deliver to you .
11 He said Riley had never reported the alleged incident , intending ‘ to sort it out himself ’ .
12 Concerned as to whether he was adequately looking after himself , but especially concerned as to his future as a writer .
13 Mr Trump , who has a penchant for naming his many buildings , hotels and casinos after himself , purchased what is now the Trump Shuttle from Eastern 's parent company , Texas Air Corp , in April for $365m .
14 Garbett decided that no one after himself ought to be made to live in a château like Bishopthorpe .
15 Poor Graham and myself were really starving and not paying the rent , and David really started looking after himself .
16 Dr Ting , who has won one Nobel prize ( for a particle he named after himself ) and would dearly like to win another , has something of a reputation .
17 Not even Dali , however , thought of designing a surrealist town and naming it after himself .
18 She had owned good horses such as Manicou ( who had won the King George VI Chase in 1950 ) and Monaveen ( who had finished fifth to Freebooter in that year 's Grand National as his royal owner 's first runner in the race ) , but in Devon Loch she had a chaser who apparently had all the attributes to win her the greatest steeplechase in the calendar : he was a big horse , strongly built and bold yet intelligent enough to look after himself in the hurly-burly of four and half miles and thirty fences .
19 Lord Scarman said : ‘ The principle is that parental right or power of control of the person and property of his child exists primarily to enable the parent to discharge his duty of maintenance , protection and education until he [ that is , the child ] reaches such an age as to be able to look after himself and make his own decisions . ’
20 Let him look after himself . ’
21 Father O'Harte says God can look after Himself .
22 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
23 Kenny 's thinking of calling them Ken Coats after himself .
24 In one case Valens discusses a trust worded ‘ Let Stichus be free : and I request that my heir teach him a skill by which he can look after himself ; in another Ulpian deals with a bequest of an annual sum in which the amount has been left out .
25 This resulted in his becoming more distressed and unable to cope with either his work or looking after himself at home .
26 He had been in other worlds beside Ridgery Butts , the Yorkshire Dales and the long miles between , and thieving and creeping and running and looking after himself ; but Marian knew only the Ridgery and remembered very faintly some other sort of life , a memory of glints and patches of a different sort of sunlight .
27 Allen could look after himself in the forest .
28 He was twenty-five then and did n't want to get married , so he kept on the cottage and looked after himself .
29 However , love will dictate that Tony at least pick up after himself .
30 Friction led to furious rows and the rows led to Willy demanding that he should be allowed to take a room where he could look after himself .
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