Example sentences of "[prep] least " in BNC.

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1 By developing the principle of least work as one of several ways in which the condition of maximum probability may exist in relation to entropy , Leopold and Langbein ( 1962 ) theoretically derived the longitudinal profile of rivers and the hydraulic geometry of river channels .
2 You 'd thought that these houses could of least put a bit of paint on
3 Soda water , Priestley thought , was his happiest idea and the one with least scientific merit .
4 On the contrary , he considered that an exceptionally valuable opportunity for enabling you to kick him more robustly and with least personal danger .
5 Despite my files tellin me this month has the longest list of genre titles , it is the one with least to offer .
6 Like a large rufous and grey domestic fowl or a giant partridge , with whitish cheeks , and distinctive blackish striations on upper breast ; the snowcock with least white in its plumage .
7 Unfortunately the evidence here is so far much more sparse and much less clear , for experiments with children raise obvious ethical problems-at least when they involve such extreme treatments as isolation , shock or Schoenberg .
8 At least 60%of the individuals being cared for by ACET in Tayside also have children themselves .
9 At least I 'll be able to have lunch first and not be munching my sandwich in a traffic jam .
10 But remember you have to wait at least 12 weeks after the possible infection for the test result to be accurate .
11 ( He could have been infected by 1 of at least 3 different ways .
12 Tom has infected at least 6 people — thought he has never even met Jane , Mark and Alan .
13 This procedure is perfectly acceptable provided that your new commitments are at least as great as the remaining commitments due under the orignal covenant .
14 Provided the gift is at least £600 it will be regarded as having been paid net of basic rate tax .
15 In the above example the gross amount of the gift was £1,000 , so the donor would have to certify that he would be paying tax of at least £250 .
16 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
17 Only payments of cash of at least £600 fall within the scope of Gift Aid .
18 It is most important to appoint at least one Executor when you make your Will .
19 We are the largest independent provider of practical home care to people with HIV/AIDS in the U.K. From 7 regional offices we have provided practical care to over 1000 people in the lat 3 years and in the last 12 months we cared for at least 1 in 5 of those who died of AIDS in the U.K.
20 During the past year at least 1.5 million more men , women and children have become infected with HIV .
21 Two prisoners formerly featured in the Letter Writing Campaign , Thoza Khonje and George Mtafu , were among at least 21 political prisoners released in Malawi between January and March this year — all of them long-term detainees held without charge or trial .
22 At least 40 people were killed in Bamako on 22 March after a student demonstration was stopped by the security forces and rioting broke out .
23 A state of emergency was declared but at least another 40 people were killed the following day .
24 At least nine people were killed between November 1990 and January 1991 by death squads linked to the Armed Forces .
25 During 1990 AI recorded almost 1,000 death sentences , of which at least 750 resulted in executions .
26 They were said to have been forcibly dressed in the prison uniform and held for at least 17 days with their arms chained to the cell bars to prevent them from removing the uniform .
27 Orlando Azcué was also said to have been beaten by prison guards on at least three occasions .
28 In December 1984 at least 80 Jehovah 's Witnesses were arrested in Limbé , southwest Cameroon , after holding an unauthorized religious meeting .
29 At least one member of the jury said he would not have given a sentence of death ( which must be unanimous ) had he known that Prejean had suffered prolonged mental and physical abuse from his guardians .
30 I remember feeling really happy when I was told I had at least six or seven years to live .
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