Example sentences of "[prep] once " in BNC.

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1 Despite once dominating the industry — and even controlling the basic patents that forced foreign competitors to licence their technology — America 's robot makers are a vanishing breed .
2 Have cream a maximum of once a week .
3 pea , of once having consumed a .
4 He helps Pancks , whose landlord he is , to establish Mr Dorrit 's claim to his inheritance , and while Clennam is imprisoned in the Marshalsea he keeps an eye on his affairs ; Anastasia , his unprepossessing , middle-aged daughter , who cherishes the recollection of once having won an action for breach of promise .
5 He was preparing a series of six documentaries with the overall title of Once in a Lifetime and said the situation regarding the Women of the Year lunch fitted in perfectly .
6 Spinneys and woods are all that remain of once thick forest cover .
7 The main problem here is ammonia which is excreted by all fish and produced by the breakdown of once living matter ( plants , food , dead creatures ) in your tank .
8 All in all , he had been departmentally punished on twenty-seven occasions , an average of once for each year he had spent in the force .
9 The history of the industry is littered with the names of once famous regional breweries and brands which disappeared after merging with a national company .
10 For the planted aquarium the total tank volume should be turned over a maximum of once every hour , and filtered gently , with no spraybars , aeration , or jetting effect .
11 Too many people did that in the last recession and ended up with fancy new furniture in the living room , photos of an expensive holiday abroad , a few remains of once fashionable clothes and masses of debts .
12 Phosphates : A salt of phosphoric acid used as fertiliser and also produced in the break down of once living materials in the tank
13 Therefore the total water volume of your aquarium ( 100 litres ) should be turned over a maximum of once every hour , and the water should flow very gently back into the aquarium , avoiding strong currents and surface turbulence .
14 For the foreseeable future , however , the inherent weaknesses of unionization in agriculture seem likely to continue to haunt the N U A A W. The falling number of agricultural workers , the urban influences that are spreading across tracts of once ‘ truly rural ’ countryside and the changing nature of the farm worker 's skills may conspire in any case to lead to a reappraisal of the need for a separate farm workers ' union .
15 ‘ It was gone , Eric , ’ he had explained , his eyes fidgeting to every part of Colonel Windsor 's crammed office as if seeking some corner which would not awaken images of once familiar surroundings .
16 Downstairs what he ( he would ) called ‘ the lounge ’ is a beautiful room , much bigger than the other rooms , peculiarly square , you do n't expect it , with one huge crossbeam supported on three uprights in the middle of the room , and other crossbeams and nooks and delicious angles an architect would n't think of once in a thousand years .
17 Lagging in the opinion-poll ratings in the early months of 1990 they seized upon the Anti-Poll Tax campaign as a means of once more attacking the Labour Party .
18 Well keep them in the house , and maybe once in a while , sort of once every two months , just put a couple of drops in maybe Saturday night or Sunday night .
19 ‘ It is like a house I dreamed of once , where I wandered through its rooms for an eternity . ’
20 The cleaning-lady comes once a day now , instead of once a week .
21 it three times a day instead of once .
22 The Hilary of once upon a time would have done it and taken great pleasure in confronting him , but the Hilary of now seemed to have become a spineless coward .
23 Her UNO opponents accused her of once again caving in to the Sandinistas .
24 I have evidence that you wash in excess of once per week . ’
25 Both studies , however , are not strictly comparable as we used elemental diet for at least four weeks and had five day introduction cycles with reintroduction of once only identified foods whereas Alun-Jones et al used diet to symptomatic remission only , had a daily introduction programme without repeat exposure to suspect foods , and in one study used a high fibre diet in the control group .
26 Philip Jenkins has shown that in South Wales at the turn of the century Whig and Tory gentry were equal in terms of wealth and numbers , and further that a number of once firm Tory gentlemen converted to Whiggery after the Glorious Revolution .
27 Nature conservation authorities in Kazakhstan have claimed that large areas of once productive land are now littered with detritus such as burnt out rocket stages , and that the soil has become contaminated soil with toxic substances .
28 Millwall have hovered in mid-table and three successive defeats have virtually destroyed any lingering hopes of once again featuring in the end-of-season play-off drama .
29 The England pace attack laboured in vain yet again , and what was even more worrying was that the selectors toyed with the idea of once more playing four quick bowlers .
30 Finally , at the risk of once more being accused of expressing my opinions in emotive terms , I believe that we in Scotland must seek , by whatever means possible , to establish a Scottish parliament .
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