Example sentences of "[prep] times " in BNC.

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1 As times get harder , the Social Democrats may get their chance .
2 Change it as times change , but do not split it up
3 But as times became more difficult with the passing years I suppose she had neither the time nor the inclination to play music .
4 ( If one refrains from oiling the gear teeth of a grandfather clock , the teeth will not only not collect the dust and so not grind each other away , but also become harder and more polished as times goes on and so last virtually for ever . )
5 Some cases do n't seem to have any physical cause at all , but have been linked to intangible factors such as times of stress , anxiety or depression , although this is quite rare .
6 A medical model has a strict routine , whereas a social work model allows for more individual autonomy and choice in matters such as times of getting up , going to bed , and going out for independent activities , which might conflict with staff shifts and rotas .
7 Keith is quite convinced that with the continuing improvement being made , the North Norfolk Railway 's success will carry on growing as times passes on .
8 As times grow hard , general publishers are looking for new markets .
9 As times and contexts change the visionaries of yesterday fade into obscurity or , worse , become the villains of today .
10 As times passed , inevitably , people began to arrange their herbs in patterns when they planted them , until eventually the herb patch became ornamental , and was a garden in its own right .
11 As times when you have been very busy and may have missed or delayed a meal , your blood glucose levels can fall .
12 Tradition rules , therefore , that you set the text in a serif face such as Times , Palatino , Bookman or Century Schoolbook while the headings are contrasted in a sans serif one such as Helvetica or Avant Garde .
13 For example , the Heading tag might be defined as Times Roman 24pt on 26pt Bold Centred Unjustified .
14 The first two are better known as Times and Helvetica …
15 I go into the information office and ask about times of return trains from Bracknell .
16 They 'll phone tomorrow to talk about times when you can view .
17 It was Charles who answered quietly , ‘ Oh , about times past when we were young and silly and , at Christmas , what we were going to get in our stockings .
18 Times of meals , flexibility about times of rising and going to bed .
19 Think about times when you have blamed others , or refused to take responsibility for your life .
20 A confrontation between William Thomson and T. H. Huxley was good to watch , and showed that scientists did not always agree , even about what was evidence or the right way to argue : while evolution in the last thirty years of the century was generally accepted , there was no agreement about times and processes .
21 of British Rail 's freight business originates in the north-west , is not it strange that British Rail has not talked to the majority of its users already about times and tariffs for the channel tunnel ?
22 Cedric Downes had himself been on the phone for about five minutes , trying frustratedly to contact British Rail about times of trains to London that day ; yet he could have had little notion of the irrational and frenetic impatience of the man who was trying to contact him ; a man who was betweenwhiles cursing the incompetence of British Telecom and bemoaning the cussedness of the Universe in general .
23 There is a saying , although it is accepted by smokers as being mildly humorous , ‘ Dope will get you through times of no money , but money wo n't get you through times of no dope . ’
24 There is a saying , although it is accepted by smokers as being mildly humorous , ‘ Dope will get you through times of no money , but money wo n't get you through times of no dope . ’
25 Although perhaps rather few people rely on their relatives for regular financial support , many people go through times in their lives when such support is important to their capacity to establish or maintain a particular life style .
26 Patient conviction that God 's word is to be trusted will bring the believer through times of perplexity .
27 Tee off times ran according to plan , allowing players time for some quick refreshments at the 19th hole before dinner .
28 Direction is not simply for times of crisis but for ongoing growth .
29 This value is found by extrapolating the smoothed values for times 2 and 3 , which we shall call z 2 and z 3 ; this is shown graphically in figure 9.13 .
30 What little they spoke was in the specially reverent voice reserved by the middle classes for times of bereavement .
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