Example sentences of "[prep] confidence " in BNC.

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1 This kind of mutuality can certainly happen between friends , though there must be a clear understanding by each as to the nature of the exercise , a proper respect for confidences and for each other 's judgment .
2 On a recent visit to a day centre , where a large number of old people had regular baths , I was told that bath time was a time for confidences and chats .
3 He was in the mood for confidences .
4 The fact is that there is no privilege for confidences given to hon. Members .
5 The early hours of the morning are a time for confidences .
6 If she did ask it would encourage another bout of confidences and result in another round of their sparring .
7 He did not wish to make her unhappy by any further probing after such a flow of confidences , so he just asked her which city in England she came from , this being a question all immigrants were accustomed to .
8 There is something about the sea that invites the exchange of confidences .
9 Tina might have told her mother this , during one of their evenings of confidences , but it had never occurred to her , she being neither proud nor ashamed of it , nor even thinking it very out of the ordinary .
10 In an aggressively commercial world where competitive information is careful ] y guarded , and in a humanitarian world where personal rights are painstakingly protected , the handling of confidences and confidential information becomes a highly sensitive and valuable management skill .
11 In encouraging the sharing of confidences the Profitboss takes care to ensure that the confidence is not abused , taking to task any team-member who betrays the trust .
12 ‘ What about them ? ’ asked Betty , settling down for an exchange of confidences , a revelation of Lydia 's motives in banishing Finn to the lamp room .
13 Later , I reflected that to be in receipt of confidences of this kind , if my own experience was anything to go by , could be insufferably taxing to the patience .
14 She found herself talking too , drawn by some required exchange of confidences and a dislike of being on her own , discussing the gardens , the weather , other people 's dogs , safe everyday subjects , in the way she made conversation at parties to people she had n't met before .
15 Could you give guidance on the important matter of confidences given us by constituents ?
16 The other thing you should remember is that there are all sorts of confidences that you can apply to these sort of things .
17 Of course , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , there may be nothing to leave , nothing to explain , nothing to understand , even though I have prepared long enough and only started when the time was ripe , even though I began full of confidence and managed to persuade myself , for a while , that I was well under way .
18 After that only a matter of confidence .
19 Rather , size as affirmation of confidence in artistic solution .
20 Lack of confidence often results in the pilot playing it safe with extra height , instead of making an effort to rely on his own judgement .
21 When Moby and I met , he was the biggest Great Dane I 'd seen and full of confidence !
22 David Platt is making a brave fist of replacing Alan McInally — his goal , brilliantly struck from an angle after he had gone round Peter Shilton , was his fifth this season — but he cut a solitary , composed figure in a side bereft of confidence and quality .
23 For all that , behind the new ring of confidence from Mr Kinnock and the Labour leadership lies a certain hollowness of conviction .
24 The reason for the apparent lack of confidence was clearly the fact that Elsworth had suspended operations for some while because of coughing in his yard and had not had a winner for almost six weeks .
25 ‘ I have offered a prediction to several officials of the Soviet government that , on the present slow course , the reforms run a very high risk of being set back by a general collapse of confidence in the rouble — an inflationary disintegration , ’ Mr Angell said .
26 The latter player , once a top-10 performer but now languishing at No. 31 after a series of injuries and a great loss of confidence , was a bag of nerves .
27 CONDEMNING Britain for its ‘ irresponsible actions ’ and ‘ erroneous stand ’ on Hong Kong , China yesterday blamed London for the crisis of confidence that has gripped the colony since the military assault on Tiananmen Square four months ago .
28 ‘ The British side has unshirkable responsiblity for the present problem of confidence in Hong Kong , ’ said Ambassador Ke in an interview with the official New China News Agency .
29 The latest move comes a day after Ke Zaishuo , the senior Peking representative to the Joint Liaison Group — the Anglo-Chinese body overseeing Hong Kong 's return to mainland sovereignty in 1997 — blamed Britain for the crisis of confidence in the territory after the Chinese army assault on Tiananmen Square .
30 ‘ The amount of confidence end-users have in the figures has been seriously dented after last year 's performance .
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