Example sentences of "[adj] yourself " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , ’ Sandison said , ‘ if it affects you so much , why do n't you go inland yourself ? ’
2 him , and you were afraid yourself that he might come here and demand his parents ’ address from you .
3 Alternatively , pretend to take some yourself , so that it becomes a shared ritual . ’
4 Drink some yourself .
5 You mean you knew some yourself ? ’
6 ( I guess to break horses you do n't have to be halter-broke yourself , because he was pretty good at it Mr. Mendez said . )
7 I have with me today Ian Miles , who 's a Senior Fellow in the Science Policy Research Unit and an expert in unemployment , that is to say you 're not unemployed yourself , but you study people who are .
8 ‘ You 're different yourself , love .
9 Well perhaps if you bought it direct yourself , you 'd perhaps get fourpence on it .
10 If you 're going to tackle a project like this yourself there are a few golden rules .
11 But — well , you did n't do this yourself , did you ?
12 Now try and achieve this yourself .
13 You can do this yourself , although it will probably be better if you arrange for a vet to undertake the task in the first instance , as it is important to judge the required length properly .
14 The ticket provides for first class return rail travel , but if you wish to make seat reservations or book sleepers , you must arrange this yourself through your travel agent or directly with British Rail and pay any extra charges .
15 I 'll explain it to you , if you 've got to stand in a circle because you ca n't see from over there you wo n't actually ever do this yourself , but you may well see it being done , in fact you probably will .
16 The only irritation is that Comet Data has n't installed the drivers for the mouse or the graphics card , you have to do this yourself .
17 You can try this yourself and see if it works .
18 feel about how the way the women are treated in B M K , do you think that , I mean is there enough provision for women , especial erm are you taking into consideration , do you feel on er is , do you feel that you 're not , your needs are n't particularly catered for , I mean in the sense of , you might not have experienced this yourself but like er , maternity provisions , things like that , I mean you get maternity leave , do you feel that
19 If necessary you can , of course , send the transfer or the documents by post to your client for signing , and if you do , you can enclose the printed directions , which can be bought from your law stationers as to how to do this , or describe this yourself .
20 You find a very very small group , and erm , perhaps you can do this yourself .
21 But knowing how to make a fire might just save your life one day , so you 'd better watch me carefully in case you have to do this yourself . ’
22 If you are planning to do this yourself , start at least a fortnight before moving day .
23 The fact that they are helpful , however , is no excuse for your not becoming proficient yourself in carrying out library searches .
24 You may have one such yourself .
25 We are severely tempted when receiving a confrontation to imply that the pot is calling the kettle black , which is another way of saying ‘ you have no right to speak to me until you are perfect yourself ’ .
26 Anyway , you 're not so perfect yourself … . ’
27 • Be consistent yourself — probably the hardest thing for parents to learn .
28 ‘ And with a line like that I wonder if you 're real yourself ? ’
29 Mindful of Morrissey 's Jean-Genet-like interest in ruffians , as evinced by ‘ Suedehead ’ , I ask : have you always been drawn to people who are tough and streetwise and unlike yourself ?
30 It 's easy to get set yourself and with heated curlers , tongs and styling products better than ever before , all you need is a little practice to create the perfect style .
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