Example sentences of "[adj] nineteenth " in BNC.

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1 A representative nineteenth century collection , with Thackeray in original wrappers at either end , Charles Reade , George MacDonald and John Stuart Mill in original cloth ; and Tales of my Landlord and Walks in Oxford in boards with paper labels .
2 Viborg Cathedral , though still on original lines , is extensively restored and so possesses that machine finished appearance typical of Scandinavian nineteenth century work .
3 One popular nineteenth century patterning was ‘ tree calf ’ , a delicate arboreal effect being produced by the interaction of chemicals .
4 Also these towns have large areas of old nineteenth century houses which had been built cheaply to house the workers near the mills and mines .
5 Another nineteenth century explorer ( like Bates , in South America ) was the German , Fritz Muller .
6 Chiu 's remarkably witty and lucid liner-notes quickly bury the myth that transcription is a somewhat impure or even dishonest genre by stating that when Bach transcribed Vivaldi ‘ There was no stigma of dishonour ’ , placing the notion of egotistical individuality in is proper Nineteenth Century context .
7 I 'm interested , thank you , I 'm interested to notice that this nineteenth century attitude is being repeated now by er , our friends over there in the Labour party , erm and I must say , that really confirm what I 've always thought that a lot of their attitudes and their mental furniture do in fact belong to that century .
8 This chapter outlines the way in which the schooling systems were shaped from the early nineteenth century by a combination of church and state politics , developing in both the North and South as expressions of catholic nationalism and protestant loyalism .
9 In the early nineteenth century , the area — whose most celebrated son was the Rev Sabine Baring-Gould , composer of the hymn ‘ Onward Christian Soldiers ’ — supported at least 100 people .
10 Sir : The extraordinary circumstances which led to Uppark being preserved , virtually unchanged , since the early nineteenth century are well known .
11 This notion has been central to Conservative self-presentation from the emergence of Conservatism in its modern form in the early nineteenth century , and it has found particular favour in the writings of some of the most eloquent spokesmen of twentieth century Conservatism .
12 It would have been more sensible to reduce the period span of the book , especially as Eccleshall himself acknowledges that Conservatism in its recognizably ‘ modern ’ form did not emerge until the early nineteenth century .
13 The attempt to locate ‘ libertarian ’ Conservatism in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century seems implausible .
14 Those that remain in villages are the survivors of a larger number of such groupings which were much reduced by the policy of enclosing open fields which was pursued during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
15 In shape , such apertures were roughly square , although circular openings began to appear in the early nineteenth century and are often a conspicuous feature of the brick-built Victorian estate barns of Cheshire .
16 Threshing machines were initially more used in the north than in the south of England , commencing in the early nineteenth century .
17 The method of milling grain between two stones probably reached its peak in Britain in the watermills and windmills of the early nineteenth century .
18 The poet 's grandfather , Henry Thomas , was a fitter by trade and followed a typical path of migration in the early nineteenth century .
19 His superb collection of mainly Classical antiquities passed to the British Museum in the early nineteenth century and includes hundreds of small bronzes .
20 When he became Prime Minister he was determined to rectify the situation and , switching to the traditional Conservative policies of the early nineteenth century , he decided to call a general election and go to the electorate with a policy of protectionism .
21 In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries , medical teaching began to use wax anatomical models , moulded from dissected human corpses .
22 One of the most significant collections of these models is at the Museo ‘ La Specola ’ , at the University of Florence , where life-size models created in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century are on display .
23 There are many reasons why , in the early nineteenth century , different considerations would intrude on the modelling of a dissected female body rather than that of a male , but one conclusion we could draw from these figures is that the human norm is male , and the only reason to look at female bodies is for that which makes them female , i.e. the reproductive system .
24 It is at this time that the trident became a regular part of her iconography , specifically after the great victory of the Earl of Howe at the battle of the Glorious First of June in 1794 ; shortly thereafter , from the early nineteenth century , she is also regularly shown as wearing a helmet .
25 In the early nineteenth century there was a group of anatomists who held that the appropriate scheme was a set of interlocking pentagons .
26 the Victoria County History goes so far as to suggest that the early nineteenth century prosperity of Leicester , based partly on the transport of hosiery goods by canal to London was ‘ probably due in no small degree to the fact that from 1802 onwards the development of communication had largely been completed . ’
27 It is a position often linked to existentialist religious writers and particularly to the Danish thinker of the early nineteenth century , often regarded as the founding father of existentialism , Søren Kierkegaard .
28 John Barrell pursues a similar insight more cautiously in relation to landscape painting and poetry in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
29 In the early nineteenth century , Lamartine stayed with the Damiani family in Jaffa and mentioned them in Voyage to the Orient , the same book in which he advertised the colonial possibilities of Palestine .
30 Rich mineral deposits were discovered here in the early nineteenth century : coal , iron , limestone .
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