Example sentences of "[adj] moment " in BNC.

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1 In Dostoevsky 's opinion , ‘ The portrait painter seeks the moment when the model looks most like himself ; in the capacity to find and hold this moment lies also the talent of the portraitist . ’
2 A set of assumptions may be challenged by an outsider , and at this moment these shared views come into focus .
3 So at this moment it 's as well to look at your present experience and see how you can help yourself to extend it , before applying to audition at a drama school .
4 All my life , he wrote , I have been preparing myself for this moment , but if I have prepared myself correctly then it is so that when the moment came I should not be encumbered with the sensation of having waited for it all my life , for such a sensation , wrote Harsnet , is too heavy a burden for anyone to carry .
5 ‘ Inspector , until this moment I have always felt that the benefit of a classical education was over-rated . ’
6 Looking at his glistening face , his cheeks and forehead like apple-skins , Cameron wondered what fired him most at this moment — self-satisfaction ? or a true pleasure in poetic language ?
7 The whole campaign dragged on him with a dead weight at this moment .
8 To undo this moment — to force time backwards — to be again at the moment of choice back at the house …
9 This moment is the proper conclusion that sums up what has now been accomplished .
10 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
11 But herein lay his greatest distress at this moment : he was utterly unable to name and fix on a place . ’
12 There is nothing exactly comparable in the poem by Hardy which Paulin brings into comparison , ‘ The Souls of the Slain ’ ( 1899 , about the dead of the Boer War ) , but whether or not Dryden was the intermediary , the conceit and fable of the poem undoubtedly derive from this moment in Virgil :
13 In practice history is being created this moment at a dizzying pace .
14 ‘ At this moment my faith is still in God …
15 One 's sense of the ridiculous should not abandon one , even at this moment .
16 Hoskyns , at this moment aged 43 , lectured on the thought and the ethics of the New Testament .
17 To say prayers in the Catholic way of worship , and feed one 's soul on frequent sacraments , and practise a little fasting , and use the sacrament of confession , and study Marcion and the early Church and the Bible , and to have time for quietness and silence and meditation — that was what he looked for at this moment of his life .
18 Through Hoskyns he had come for the time under the influence of the leader of anti-rational European theology , Karl Barth , who at this moment was back in Basle after being expelled from Germany by the Nazis .
19 The Convention established a European Court of Human Rights , to which the signatory states accorded supranational powers , and before which at this moment Britain awaits judgment in respect of acts committed in Northern Ireland in 1971 .
20 She hesitated at the corner , reluctant almost to discover that she was now , as of this moment , completely lost in the world , and for the first time she asked herself clearly why she had decided to come here .
21 The chances of any of her acquaintance passing at this moment and noting that she , Phoebe Petherington , was entering the evil portals of a private hospital , were , she admitted , so small as to be risible , but that did not allay her shame .
22 It was this moment that she had come for .
23 Time slowed down , Phoebe wanted this moment to go on for ever , this calm moment before the storm .
24 Brundle chose this moment to come into the pits .
25 He gasped as if suddenly , at this moment , it had come home to him .
26 This moment is defined as noon on local time .
27 Suppose it is 12 noon on a Monday by GMT ; at this moment , to the traveller who has travelled eastwards it will be midnight at the end of Monday , but to the westward traveller it will be midnight at the beginning of Monday .
28 It so happened , entirely by coincidence , that Coghill lent Lewis a copy of Williams 's novel The Place of the Lion at precisely this moment .
29 At this moment they beat me very badly .
30 At this moment about 11 people came up to me with two dogs .
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