Example sentences of "[adj] period " in BNC.

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1 A limited number of periods of contrast will make for brevity ; adequate periods can lead to long themes .
2 It is essential that the project manager organizes the project so that he can give uninterrupted thought for adequate periods to the key results areas .
3 This practice is convenient both for the purposes of managing the property ( since most managing agents , or their computers , send out rent demands by reference to quarter days ) and for the purpose of calculating the rent ( since broken periods can often be avoided ) .
4 Where goat milk or milk products are used for human consumption , milk-withholding periods for different drugs should be observed .
5 By 1970 , with the passing of the old empire , these were all over , and only the totally unexpected war with Argentina over the Falklands in 1982 interrupted what was one of the longest periods of unbroken peace that Britain had known since the later middle ages .
6 The children who were in Pindown for the longest periods could receive more than £50,000 .
7 Of large industrial countries , the UK permits one of the longest periods at four months .
8 The poorest people experience the longest periods of being out of work .
9 It has fallen most heavily and for the longest periods on the most vulnerable members of society , with a particular concentration on the young , and on unskilled or semi-skilled workers .
10 A prices and incomes accord , negotiated in 1983 , had ( with several revisions ) covered the whole of the Hawke government 's period in office and was credited by its advocates with having created 300,000 jobs , reduced real unit labour costs and underpinned one of the longest periods of industrial harmony in the country 's history .
11 Hence TL is normally used in the following situations : beyond the range of radiocarbon : when no organic material has been preserved on the site : when the association between the event to be dated and the radiocarbon content of the organic samples is poor ; or for the few periods where the age range on a calibrated radiocarbon age is larger than the corresponding TL error term .
12 In the creation of our modern world-view , few periods of Western history have been as decisive as the hundred fifty years that followed the publication , in 1543 , of Copernicus 's sun-centered astronomy .
13 Never take up a new sport when you are pregnant , and be careful not to overdo it , especially around the dates then your first few periods would have been due .
14 In few periods in early Ottoman history can that need have been felt more strongly than in the years following Ankara .
15 The providers of domestic , portering and ward ancillary staff are also subjected to pressure from staff for the peak-holiday periods .
16 These windy periods are interspersed with breaks from 4 to 8 days when regular sea breezes blow into the gulf at force 2 to 3 , with the odd day when the wind fails .
17 Studying the body clock for extended periods of time
18 A core group of individuals does seem to stay in association with each other over extended periods , although there may be some coming and going within that time .
19 Joe Sharp , director of space research at NASA 's Ames Research Laboratory explains : ‘ Nobody has the foggiest idea of the effect of even 40 per cent or 20 per cent of gravity for extended periods . ’
20 Some models have a secondary pump which can allow the collection tank to drain while the machine is still operating thus allowing extended periods of continuous running .
21 It is well nigh impossible to compare the rate of crime over extended periods of time ( as Reading 10 , Chapter 5 , taken from Pearson 's study , indicates ) .
22 Pearson 's study of the history of street crime in Britain clearly illustrates the problem of using criminal statistics as a means for comparing the rate of crime over extended periods of time .
23 You may prefer their texture or you may need extended periods of wet paint , in which case Blockx colours are very useful .
24 The only people who are likely to experience extended periods of spontaneous regression are those who have been practising deep meditation over a prolonged period of time and have reached a high degree of competence in this field .
25 For extended periods of a week or more , you must drain down the household plumbing system .
26 Giving credit for extended periods is always more risky than giving it for shorter periods .
27 Bacterial spores can withstand extremes of hot and cold , not to mention the vacuum of space , for extended periods , germinating only when they attain more favourable environments .
28 You may prefer their texture or you may need extended periods of wet paint , in which case Blockx colours are very useful .
29 Each section is relatively short , the idea being to avoid extended periods of continuous reading from the screen .
30 The group elders would normally mediate and settle disputes , but in the open bush conflicts often remained unsolved with feelings of revenge simmering over extended periods .
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