Example sentences of "[verb] wrong " in BNC.

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1 Four or five can jar your legs badly and shake your guts up into a momentary dysentery if you land wrong .
2 If there is to be any criticism of our play , it is in relation to our tactical awareness , to the fact that we sometimes made wrong choices which more experienced people would not have made ’ .
3 Getting the airline up and flying — proving wrong everyone who had doubted him — became an obsession .
4 In contract or tort , for example , the first question to be asked is whether the plaintiff has suffered some legally recognized wrong at the hands of the defendant .
5 But it was serious in the sense that he was given wrong advice .
6 You ca n't away with er some bum figures like this one , it 's not good enough for the members to give , be given wrong information and I and I can tell you this we 'll be coming back again and then we would know and where they were getting where they were getting the seventeen homes
7 She hoped fervently that Jack Stone would not be proven wrong .
8 In the circumstances James Cunningham felt that Captain Robert Cunningham 's election hopes would be considerably strengthened if Morris were proven wrong , and accordingly advised Lord Milton that
9 The case for Solaris on Intel , however , does not appear a strong one for Stuart at present , ‘ although I could be proven wrong ’ , he said .
10 Unfortunately , a great deal of our flying is done by habit and this can lead to serious problems if anything goes wrong on the first flight in a strange machine .
11 From the point when the Government 's high interest rate policies start taking effect to the point when companies start calling in the receiver , there tends to be quite a delay — liquidity problems do not suddenly emerge unless something dramatically goes wrong .
12 At least if it goes wrong with just one A&R person out front , there are plenty more to approach .
13 The problem is that if one of the projects you tell them about goes wrong , as inevitably it will , they 're inclined to hold it against you .
14 Of course this goes wrong .
15 ‘ What I would like to see , ’ she says , ‘ is more regular checks done on those who work in care or offer homes to young people , because once they get through the vetting , if anything goes wrong , then it 's always you who 's to blame .
16 But I 'm very young , and if it goes wrong , I can always do something else . ’
17 And then everything goes wrong when he ca n't get me to go round there and pinch it . ’
18 ‘ This is a technology , ’ says the UK Genetics Forum , ‘ which should be looked at from the point of view that if something goes wrong , it ca n't be put right .
19 Whatever goes wrong , do not try to punish yourself or start feeling guilty , because then you will tend to seek out food as a comfort .
20 Never blame yourself for anything that goes wrong .
21 If an organiser does not co-ordinate and monitor and know exactly what 's going on at each stage , then ultimately he has only himself to blame if something goes wrong .
22 I suppose because one is so helpless , there 's nothing you can do if anything goes wrong and it 's an awful long way down .
23 This is because variation is the obverse of heredity : it is what happens when the mechanism goes wrong .
24 When the car goes wrong , who ends up underneath it in the snow ?
25 What if it goes wrong ? ’
26 In order to placate Washington Israel officially claimed this was all an unauthorised operation but in the intelligence world an unauthorised operation is simply one that is too hazardous to handle by normal channels in case something goes wrong .
27 Or should one take a middle road , trying to understand what goes wrong and then deciding whether it is easier to prevent or to cure ?
28 When something goes wrong , the slogan ‘ Have machine , will travel ’ has a depressing ring of truth , especially disastrous in the winter season , since it is no good excavating a channel in midwinter if the ecologists working with the engineers on a scheme have not had the opportunity during the previous summer growing season to identify the existing aquatic habitat affected .
29 He 's fairly happy-go-lucky on the course , except when his putting goes wrong !
30 Some owners manage by helping each other , but this takes a lot of organisation and a failsafe mechanism if something goes wrong .
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